Do I really need to change my naming convention?

  • Do I really need to change my naming conventions for the following tables?

    Some of the things i'm concerned about are

    - the abbreviations i used. All of which i like! Mostly occurs in keys

    - attributes with same name but different tables such as LastUpdated 

      (I don't see this as a particular problem but i've read that i shouldn't do this)

    - attributes with similar names such as Comment and CommentSection

    - Underscores in two table names

    To me, being entirely consistent would be unnecessary and could cause more harm than good. But i'm open for suggestions.




     EmpID*  Primary key

     FirstName Employee’s first name

     LastName Employee’s last name

     BadgeNumber Employee’s badge number or number on check stub for salaried   employees without badge numbers

     DeptID Foreign key from Departments table

     CenterID Foreign key from Centers table


     Table Description:

     Stores vital information about Employees




     CenterID* Primary key

     Center  Name of each Franklin center


     Table Description:

     Serves as a lookup table for all of Franklin’s centers




     DeptID*  Primary key

     Department Name of each Franklin department


     Table Description: 

     Serves as a lookup table storing all of Franklin’s departments




     TestID*  Primary key

     TestName Name of test or quiz


     Table Description:

     Used to identify all available tests or training quizzes.




    CategoryID* Primary key

    TestID  Foreign key from Tests table

    Category Category’s name

    CategoryPurpose Description of the purpose of each category


    Table Description:

    Provides each exam category with a unique identifier and name.  It also stores a description of the category’s purpose.




     ResourceID* Primary key

     CategoryID Foreign key from Categories table

     ResourceTitle Official title of the file, video, manual, etc.

     FileName Address or file name and extension

     FileType File type (such as PDF, AVI, MP3)

     LastUpdated Date material was last updated


     Table Description:

     Stores all complementary resources used during training.




     LearningID*  Primary key

     CategoryID  Foreign key from Categories table

     LearningObjective Learning objective

     LastUpated  Last time objective was updated


     Table Description: 

     Stores the specific learning objectives for each category


    QID*  Primary key

    CategoryID Foreign key from Categories table; identifies which questions belong to which category.

    Question Exam question

    References Manuals and page numbers

    LastUpdated Last time question and related info were updated


    Table Description:

    Provides a pool of questions for each exam category.




     AnswerID* Primary key

     QID  Foreign key from Questions table

     Answer  Possible answer to a particular question

     Correct  Boolean value describing whether answer is a correct choice or not.


     Table Description:

     Stores all the possible answers to a particular question.




     DiagramID* Primary key

     QID  Foreign key from Questions table

     FileName Name of diagram file; used to find file on disk or server.

     DiagramDesc Description of file

     LastUpdated Last time diagram and/or diagram info was updated


     Table Description:

     Stores information on diagrams used on the test.




    EmployeeTestID*  Primary key

    TestID   Foreign key from Tests table

    EmpID   Foreign key from Employees table

    EmpTestStartDate Date employee test began

    EmpTestFinishDate Date employee test was completed


    Table Description: 

    This table stores all current and completed testing or training sessions for each employee.  It is used to resolve M:N relationship between Employees and Completed_Cateogories tables or Employees and Tests tables.




    CCID*  Primary key

    EmployeeTestID Foreign key from EmployeeTests table; used to identify which completed categories belong to each employee test.

    CategoryID Foreign key from Categories table; used to identify tested or completed category.

    StartTime Stores the date and time testing of objective began.

    FinishTime Stores the date and time testing of objective was completed.

    CommentSection Additional comments made by computer or other user regarding the status of a particular completed category.


    Table Description: 

    Used to store all categories completed by user.  Ties completed categories to a specific employee test, allowing for retesting.




     CQID* Primary key

     QID Foreign key from Questions table

     CCID Foreign key from Completed_Categories table.

     Comment Employee’s comments for questions that allow this option.


     Table Description: 

     Stores all the test questions completed by employees




     ResponseID* Primary key

     CQID  Foreign key from Completed_Questions table

     AnswerID Foreign key from Answers table


     Table Description: 

     Selected answers or choices from the Answers table.


  • Apart from the table names being plural (I think most DB developers tend to stick to singular), your naming convention looks absolutely fine to me.  Having a 'LastUpdated' column in several tables makes a lot of sense to me - you always know what this field is doing.  I guess you could call it 'tablename'LastUpdated, but I really don't think that's necessary.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Looks good to me also. The only thing I might suggest is to preface the table name with a notation like tbl for readablity.


  • Thanks very much guys!

  • My 2 cents...I learned from a db design savant many moons ago to name my primary key columns - with an ID suffix and the foreign key columns with an FK I would have "EmpID" when it's a PK and "EmpFK" all other times....

    This way I can distinguish between the two at a glance....I must also say that I have not seen anyone else implement this....but then it's a huge world out there and I don't know everyone...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**


    [PkObjADPUsage] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

    [FkObjADP] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [DateUsage] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ObjADPSUsage_DateUsage] DEFAULT (getdate()),

    [FkUser] [int] NOT NULL ,




    ) ON [PRIMARY] ,










    ) REFERENCES [Users] (



    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Ya I know I don't need a PK there... I just haven't got time to redesign my system to apply all the knowledge I acquired here .

  • - I'm going to change that to - "what a small world this is...." - thx. for confirming ...nice to know (at least) one other person..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • ... and everyone else who followed the same course as I did so that would be a few hundreds .

  • That is an excellent methodology.  Thanks

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Yay! A convert!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Here's the rest of mine if anyone's interested :

    CK : check constraint

    DF : default constraint

    FK : Foreign key --for objects and columns

    PK : Primary key --for objects and columns

    fn : Scalar function

    fnvw : Inline/table function

    SPN : Stored proc

    IX : Index

    IXUQ : unique index constraint

    vw : View

    Note that I have nothing for tables. This is because if I do Select from ?? and it's not fn, fnvw or vw then I know it's a table. Makes less visual noise and it's still almost impossible to confuse.

  • We use a 3-part naming standard for data elements. 

    part 1 - Entity prefix  acronym or abbreviation of the logical entity or physical fil that the element is an attribute of.

    part 2 - Descriptive keywords  word or group of words that accurately describes what the element is. Abbreviated if necessary. May be omitted if the entity prefix and class keyword sufficiently describe the element.

    part 3 - Class keyword  abbreviation of the data element type that describes what type of data the element is. 

    Using this standard a customer's mailing address would be CUST_MAILING_ADDR or CUSTMAILINGADDR; and employee's badge number would be EMP_BADGE_NUM or EMPBADGENUM.

    If a data element is part of a foreign key, it retains the entity prefix of the table it originates in.




  • Where I am now, they do not use vw and that is really tough when you are starting to recognize an actual table is not being used. 

    The SPN part I no longer use since they are stored independently and calling them is generally pretty obvious. 

    I do not know what and Inline/Table function means?  Could you explain? 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • It's a function that returns a table. Either by a straight select, or by declaring a table variable and returning that as the select. This gives you a chance to have a view with dynamic parameters just like a stored proc. The table function has also the advantage of being able to declare variable and make some pretty advanced business logic.

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