Do I really have to reinitialize mirroring?

  • I was doing some maintenance this weekend. to perform the maintenance the databases had to be taken offline. to do this, mirroring had to be removed from the databases.

    In a test envrionemnt, I disabled mirroring( not pause, but actually removed it as you have to to take the db offline), and quickly set up the mirroring again. all was ok, it was sync'ed pretty quickly.

    So, next step, in production i removed mirroring from the db, took the db offline and done my maintenance.

    I brought the db back online and tried to re-enable mirroring. I got the following error:

    “The remote copy of database “DB_Name” has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy of the database log(Microsoft sql server, error: 1412)”

    My best guess is that after i brought the db back online, some job or something ran and commited some transactions on the prinicpal database, putting it out of sync with the mirrored copy.

    In the end I just had to take a full backup of the database and any associated tran logs, and restore on the mirror with no recovery, and only then could i re-enable mirroring.

    My two questions are:

    1. am i correct in my assumption as to what happend to cause this error?

    2. is there any way that i could have copied the most recent tran log to the mirror and restore it to the db that was already in restoring mode? i.e was a full backup/restore the only option?

  • you could have applied the trransaction log (with NORECOVERY) to the mirrored instance to catch up with the principal and it should have solved your issues.

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