Do I need a recursive query for this? bill of materials (sort of)

  • I am working on a data warehouse project for a bakery. For the most part, the basic structure is like this:


    with one exception the "Recipe" part works fine. (IngredientKey, ProductKey, Weight).  The part I'm having trouble with is that one ingredient (starter) consists of other ingredients (kinda like a subassembly, if you wanted to compare to AdventureWorks).

    Starter consists of {a parts Water, b parts Flour, c parts Potato Flakes} - all of which exist in the Ingredients table. How can I model this so that I can do something like SUMX('Recipe',[Weight] * RELATED('Ingredient'[UnitCost]) ) to calculate the total cost of ingredients? Do I need recursion for this? (Seems like overkill). I was thinking I could create a Common Table Expression in SQL Server to join to "Starter" and pass the [final] weight of that down the to "recipe" and just express that as X parts water, Y parts flour, Z parts potato flakes. (X / (X+Y+Z))

    The reason for all this is that then the unit cost for Starter will change properly whenever a component cost changes.

    Any thoughts how to model this? Thanks!

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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • Heh... you, of all people, should know about "double posting".

    Folks, no answers here, please.  Instead, go to the duplicate post and post there.  Thanks.


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  • (Yeah, my browser went a bit nuts)

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