Do database updates present on non-replicating tables replicate?

  • Hey all,

    I just had a situation where changes I made at one location of a two node transactional replication setup did not replicate to the other server. The changes were substantial (the affected about 40,000 rows of a table), but the command itself to be replicated was only a few lines.

    The update involved inner joining a replicating table with a non-replicating table that I had imported. I made sure to import the table into both servers, and I figured the changes would replicate as long as I did this.

    They didn't, however. I am trying to understand why. I would appreciate any insight anyone can provide. Also, as an aside, should the changes have replicated even if I hadn't imported the table into both locations? I think not, but I just want to be sure. Thanks.

    Edit: I misnamed the thread. I meant to say, Do database updates involving non-replicating tables present on both locations replicate? I apologize.

  • SQLUserC (6/11/2012)

    Hey all,

    I just had a situation where changes I made at one location of a two node transactional replication setup did not replicate to the other server.


    Are the changes made after this getting replicated?

    Have you checked the Replication Monitor? Found latency or any other issue?

  • No. It looks like the msrepl_tran_version columns are all out of sync now.

    I see the error logged "The process could not execute 'sp_repldone/sp_replcounters' on [server]."

    (Error 14151, Severity: 18, State: 1.)

    What is the best way to deal with that error? I would appreciate any advice that anyone can provide.

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