DMV for Data Source Views

  • I was wondering if there was a dynamic management view for data source views. I can not for the life me find anything, anywhere on the web. I've searched through this list also:

    Hoping there is something out that is undocumented 😀

  • Not sure what you mean. What is a Data Management View?

  • Sorry, corrected the original post. DMV = Dynamic Management View

  • SQL Padawan (3/13/2012)

    I was wondering if there was a data management view for data source views. I can not for the life me find anything, anywhere on the web. I've searched through this list also:

    Hoping there is something out that is undocumented 😀

    I'm not sure what it is that you want to find in a DMV about SSAS Data Source Views. A Data Source View in an SSAS project is just a representation (an abstraction if you will) of the underlying tables included for use in your cubes. They are not physical objects nor would any metadata be collected for them in the DMV's.

    What is it that you are trying to find?

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