DMO bug - column default is always empty

  • i'm calling sqldmo from vb client. all properties seem to work fine except "Default"

    if you instantiate a column object

    Dim objCol as sqldmo.Column

    set objCol = objSQLServer.Databases(n).Tables(n).Columns(n)

    msgbox objCol.Default

    you will get empty string even though column does have a default. all other properties will be fine.

    PLEASE note that variable instantiation, sql server object etc is all fine. the code will iterate thru all properties of column and product correct result EXCEPT for default.

    is this a sqldmo bug or am i doing something wrong?


    thanks in advance

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • Try objCol.DRIDefault.Text.


  • quote:

    Try objCol.DRIDefault.Text.


    thx for response - this looks like it *could* work but i already tried it and it always kicks an error ???

    "Object doesn't support this property or method"

    here is def for DRIDefault:

    "The DRIDefault object represents the properties of a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 column DEFAULT constraint."

    here is definition for default

    "The Default property identifies a Microsoft® SQL Server™ default bound to a column or user-defined data type."

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • It works, did you include the .text portion? As far as the defaults, its the difference in how you create them - one is part of the table definition kinda sorta, the other is shown under the Defaults node in EM.


  • quote:

    It works, did you include the .text portion? As far as the defaults, its the difference in how you create them - one is part of the table definition kinda sorta, the other is shown under the Defaults node in EM.


    hit me again on this one - forgive me for being slow but i'm went to public school as a kid 🙂

    what "works" - .default, .dridefault or both? for me i always get empty string for former and error on latter.

    what do you mean about - "did i include text portion?"

    and which is part of table definition (dri default) and default is in em? is this what you mean?

    if i enter in defaults via em should i be able to interrogate them from sqldmo default property?

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • You want to use column.dridefault.text. It doesn't work correctly without the ".text" portion. This is a default that you would enter in EM in the designer - I tested by adding a default of 'abc' to a varchar column. So the answer is yes, you can retrieve defaults set that way. You should also be able to create a true default (under the Defaults node in EM, not in the table designer) and bind it to a column - then retrieve it using column.default.


  • ok thanks for help. i'm gonna call it a night and try again tommorrow. i understand now the differences between the two which helps but results are the same. i should get a string for dridefault but ALWAYS get and error

    the following code illustrates what i am attempting to do

    .Default = sqlCol.Default

    If Len(.Default) = 0 Then

    On Error Resume Next

    .Default = sqlCol.DRIDefault

    If Err <> 0 Then

    Err = 0


    Debug.Print .Default

    End If

    End If

    basically i interrogate .default property. if it is empty i try dridefault. if it kicks an erro i ignore it. if it does not kick an error i print it out. but it fails to recognize the defaults created via EM at all ever.

    anyway - lemme bang on it some more tommorrow. thanks much for your help

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • quote:

    You want to use column.dridefault.text. It doesn't work correctly without the ".text" portion. This is a default that you would enter in EM in the designer - I tested by adding a default of 'abc' to a varchar column. So the answer is yes, you can retrieve defaults set that way. You should also be able to create a true default (under the Defaults node in EM, not in the table designer) and bind it to a column - then retrieve it using column.default.


    thanks!!! - finally figured it out... i didn't realize dridefault was an object with a property of .text. works fine now as you indicated it would. for benefit of other visitors i will post a couple other code samples.

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • sample code to get default via dmo

    this simple code returns default value for column Phone in Pubs.Authors table (if you look in the table you'll find a default value for column Phone is UNKNOWN):

    Dim oSQLServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer

    Dim oTable As SQLDMO.Table

    Dim oColumn As SQLDMO.Column

    oSQLServer.Connect "Viktor", "sa", "123"

    Set oTable = oSQLServer.Databases("Pubs").Tables("Authors")

    Set oColumn = oTable.Columns("Phone")

    MsgBox "Default value of column Authors.Phone is " & oColumn.DRIDefault.Text


    Msgbox shows:

    Default value of column Authors.Phone is ('UNKNOWN')

    In the same manner you'll get a list of defaults for all columns of a particular table (all tables).

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • more sqldmo default code

    Dim objSQLServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer

    objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True

    objSQLServer.Connect "(local)"

    Dim objDatabase As SQLDMO.Database

    For Each objDatabase In objSQLServer.Databases

    If UCase(objDatabase.Name) = UCase("pubs") Then

    Exit For

    End If

    Next objDatabase

    Dim objTable As SQLDMO.Table

    For Each objTable In objDatabase.Tables

    If UCase(objTable.Name) = UCase("AUDIT_LOG_TRANSACTIONS") Then

    Exit For

    End If

    Next objTable

    Dim objColumn As SQLDMO.Column

    For Each objColumn In objTable.Columns

    If UCase(objColumn.Name) = UCase("AUDIT_LOG_TRANSACTION_ID") Then

    Exit For

    End If

    Next objColumn

    MsgBox objColumn.DRIDefault.Text

    And I got "(newid())"

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • Thanks for the follow up!


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