Division problem in a where clause...

  • I've got a query, where one of the conditions i need to check against for my result set is whether calculated value (in this case, 1 field divided by another) is greater than 80%. I'm getting a divide by 0 error, but everything i try to account for it doesn't seem to work. I've tried a case statement, a coalesce, etc... any suggestions on what i might be able to try to get this this to work? Here's my query...




    #LBD lbd INNER JOIN #TIT tit ON

    lbd.his_user_id = tit.his_user_id


    convert(varchar(10), lbd.schedule_start_date, 101) = tit.date


    tit.ID_Num = 1


    lbd.schedule_start_date >= '4/4/2006' AND

    lbd.schedule_start_date < dateadd(dd, 1, '4/4/2006') AND
    lbd.his_schedule_source_id = 1 AND
    lbd.ID_Num = 1 AND
    tit.his_user_id = (select his_user_id from #TIT where ID_Num = 1) AND
    convert(float, lbd.total_training_seconds) /
    convert(float, tit.tit_wfm)) >= .80)

    Any suggestions are appreciated!


  • This is probably a stupid question, but there's no way you could have stored a 0 for tit.tit_wfm?  Without seeing the data, I'm kind of at a loss as to what's wrong because I tried your SQL with some of my own fake data, and it worked.

  • Well, the problem is can't guarantee that that value tit.tit_wfm will be non-zero. So i need to account for that condition. So one of my test cases is has the value stored as a zero. I need to find out how I can do that.

  • select



    #LBD lbd INNER JOIN #TIT tit ON

    lbd.his_user_id = tit.his_user_id


    convert(varchar(10), lbd.schedule_start_date, 101) = tit.date


    tit.ID_Num = 1


    lbd.schedule_start_date >= '4/4/2006' AND

    lbd.schedule_start_date = .80)

  • ... AND


    convert(float, lbd.total_training_seconds) /

    NULLIF(convert(float, tit.tit_wfm), 0)) >= .80)

    This will make NULL from the whole expression when it's going to divide by zero and NULL is not >= 0.80


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I think a previous poster meant:




    convert(float, lbd.total_training_seconds) /

    convert(float, tit.tit_wfm)) >= .80)


    AND CASE tit.tit_wfm

          WHEN 0 THEN 0 -- to include, or 1 to exclude

          ELSE convert(numeric(5,2), convert(float, lbd.total_training_seconds) / convert(float, tit.tit_wfm))

        END >= .80

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