Divide two columns with null values

  • Hi,

    I am trying to divide these two columns and need


    parsename('$'+ Convert(varchar,Convert(money,Q.[Product Cost]-R.[Shared Cost]),1),2) as [Pre Cost],

    parsename('$'+ Convert(varchar,Convert(money,R.[New Product Cost]-R.[Shared Cost]),1),2) as [Post Cost]


    [Post Cost] / [Pre Cost]


    If [Post Cost] is null then I would need to assign 1 and divide by [Pre Cost] and similarly if [Pre Cost] is null then I would need to assign 1 so that I can divide [Post Cost] / [Pre Cost]

    Really appreciate any help on this.

  • CASEWHEN [Post Cost] IS NULL OR [Pre Cost] IS NULL

    THEN 1

    WHEN [Pre Cost] = 0 -- avoid divide by zero error

    THEN 0

    ELSE [Post Cost] / [Pre Cost]


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