Divide Logic

  • Hi,
    sample data to play with,
    Declare @TestData table (Id int);
                insert into @TestData
                select 100 union all
                select 101 union all
                select 102 union all
                select 103 union all
                select 104 union all
                select 105 union all
                select 106 union all
                select 107 union all
                select 108 union all
                select 120 union all
                select 121 union all
                select 109 union all
                select 111 union all
                select 200 union all             
                select 201 union all
                select 202

    Expected Result:
                        select 100,101,102,103,104, 105 union all
                select 106,107,108,120,121, 109 union all
                select 111,200,201,202

    Basically, I wanted to split records into group of 6 and delimit it with ",". Any sample query please how to  achieve this. I tried this with the below query but not sure how to make the comma delimited on below query
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id)%7 AS grp from @TestData;

  • Your expected output can't be created. When using a Union, you need to return the same number of columns in every resultset. In yours, the first 2 have 6 columns, however, the last only 4.

    Would you be expecting NULLs for the last two columns in the 3rd row?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • WITH Partitioned AS (
            (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id) - 1) / 6 AS PNo
        ,    Id
        FROM @TestData
            SELECT ', ' + CAST(Id AS char(3))
            FROM Partitioned p1
            WHERE p1.PNo = p2.PNo
            FOR XML PATH ('')
            ),1,2,'') AS Concatenated
    from Partitioned p2


  • Hi Tom,
    Let it be empty with comma for last row like this   111,200,201,202,,,
    Is it possible to do? any sample query please

  • Thank you John and your solution perfectly worked for me. much appreciated.

  • You're welcome.  I see what Thom was saying now.  My solution concatenates the values into a single column.  Your expected results contain six columns.  But if your happy with what I did anyway, that's good.


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