Divide by zero error encountered......

  • Hello

    I am using the following query:

    set rowcount 20


    datename(MM,t.OrderDate) as 'Month',


    count(tl.orderid)as [Orders In], sum(tl.[Unit Price] *tl.Quantity) as [£ Orders In],

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1 else 0 end) as 'Orders 2007',

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1 else 0 end) as 'Orders 2008',


    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) /

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)) - 100. as 'Percent Change'

    from t_orderline tl inner join t_items i on tl.StockID = i.stockid inner join t_orderheader t

    on tl.orderid = t.orderid

    where (t.orderdate between getdate()-365 and getdate()) and datepart(mm,t.OrderDate)<=5

    group byi.ProductClassID,


    datename(mm,t.OrderDate)with rollup

    havingdatepart(mm,t.OrderDate)is null or

    datename(mm,t.OrderDate) is not null

    set rowcount 0


    And i get the following error message:

    Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Divide by zero error encountered.


    can anyone help?

  • b_boy (9/24/2008)


    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) /

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)) - 100. as 'Percent Change'

    from t_orderline tl inner join t_items i on tl.StockID = i.stockid inner join t_orderheader t

    on tl.orderid = t.orderid

    where (t.orderdate between getdate()-365 and getdate()) and datepart(mm,t.OrderDate)<=5

    group byi.ProductClassID,


    datename(mm,t.OrderDate)with rollup

    havingdatepart(mm,t.OrderDate)is null or

    datename(mm,t.OrderDate) is not null

    set rowcount 0

    The second part of the division

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)

    will be 0 if orderdate not in 2007. Thus you get an error "division by zero".

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Hi b_boy

    The part in bold is evaluating to zero for some rows:


    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) /

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)) - 100.

    You have several options. The easiest is to wrap the whole expression in a CASE, checking for the divisor evaluating to zero and setting the whole expression to zero if it does. The downside is that the expression will become complex and difficult to maintain.

    The next easiest is to use a function for the arithmetic, in which the divisor is checked for zero. Finally, you could change this query to an "onion" query i.e. perform aggregates first to a derived table, then wrap this in an outer select for the final calculations such as percentage.

    I use a function if the number of rows is small, and almost always use an "onion" select if the function impacts on performance. Onion selects usually have minimal affect on performance and make the code much easier to read and maintain.



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Try using


    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) /

    NULLIF(sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end),0) - 100.0) as 'Percent Change'


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

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