distributor_admin login missing for replication

  • Hi there,

    We are currently in the process of moving an SQL instance from one server to another. When i went to start replication on the new server it told me that it couldnt connect because distributor_admin was not configured for remote login. I thought this user would be automatically installed when SQL was installed. I certainly dont remember creating it when I started up replication on the initial machine.

    How do I get this user back and configured properly as I cant get it to work..!



  • That login is created during creation of the distributor. You should first, reconfigure your distributor and drop and recreate all your publications if any.

  • I run through the task wizard in EM to configure replication, publication and distributor. I select the server as its own distributor etc then I get the error.

    There is another SQL instance on the same network that is currently acting as a distributor (oue old instance that will be removed) to continue the repliation whilst the new one is set up. Is that the problem..? Sounds reasonable to be, will give it a go.



  • Switched off replication and disabled distribution on the other server (A) and tried again to configure replication and distribution on the new server (B) but still get the same error;

    Error 18483: Could not connect to server(B) because 'distributor_admin' is not defined as a remote login on the server.

    Any more ideas...?




    It seems that the 'techie' that installed msSQL (always do stuff yourself) did so when the computer was named H0. Then he renamed the computer H0-SERVER. msSQL now seems to be doing have the stuff using the server name H0 and half of it H0-SERVER so it was creating users and distributors on what it thought were different instances.

    Is there a way to bring all this back into line or is it a reinstall..? Lothe to reinstall as many jobs etc have to be set up again.



  • The link is from SQL Server 2008 R2, but you should find this under a similar path in books on line: SQL Server Installation > Installing SQL Server > Installation How-to Topics > How to: Rename a Computer that Hosts a Stand-Alone Instance of SQL Server.


    Have Fun!

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