April 25, 2014 at 9:27 am
Dear Reader,
Fan: Of Percentile curves in Excel.
This presents in Excel a value (or a count of values) and the percentile which values falls below that value.
So a curve which starts at 0 and finishes at 100 percent and always goes up.
On of the uses can be how the distribution of the number of different values is for a varchar field.
This is represented below.
But could also be about amounts.
Used to do the row based calculations in SQL-server. And the running total in Excel.
But then you have to add a few columns in Excel.
Now I have build a 'template' to do all calculations in SQL-server.
So this is less work, but I am disappointed in the performance of this query.
Can this be improved ?
Am I doing something wrong ?
Typical number of rows: 1 000 000
Typical number of different values: 1 000
(In excel this results in hundreds or less rows).
Or when a numeric field is used, the number of values can be greater or smaller.
-- Calculate a percentiele column for a distribution of a value in a column CCCCCC1 (or in two or more columns).
-- For presentation the column Tel is the X axis.
-- column percentile is the Y axis. (Scale from 0 to 100).
declare @work1 varchar(8000)
set @work1 = '
declare @Row_Count bigint
select @Row_Count = count(*) from TTTTTT
A as (select CCCCC1, CCCCC2, COUNT(*) as tel FROM patients where WWWWWW group by CCCCC1, CCCCC2 ),
B as (select tel,COUNT(*) as freq, tel* COUNT(*) as area from A group by tel),
C as (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY tel) nr, * from B),
D as (
select *, tel as curve from C where c.nr = 1
Union all
select C.*, D.curve+c.area as curve from C join D on C.nr = D.nr+1
select *, 100.0*curve/@row_count as percentile from D order by tel OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0)
set @work1 = REPLACE(@work1,'TTTTTT', '<Tabel_name>')
set @work1 = REPLACE(@work1,'CCCCC1', '<Column_name>')
set @work1 = REPLACE(@work1,'WWWWWW', '1 = 1')
set @work1 = REPLACE(@work1,', CCCCC2', '')
exec (@work1)
A good example of a percentile curve is the Lorenz Curve,
which shows in a single glance the distribution of wealth.
April 26, 2014 at 1:46 pm
What do you mean by
I am disappointed in the performance
Would you please post some sample data (table def and sample data) together with your actual execution plan so we have something to work with?
April 27, 2014 at 9:01 am
well...I didn't know this was called a Lorenz Curve...and neither have I done this in SQL before.
but saw this "simple" explanation http://courses.washington.edu/geog326/Lorenz.pdf in how to do it in Excel.
so...thought I would share the following code to see ifs anywhere need what you are looking for
/*some thoughts on how to get data for Lorenz Curve
intial ideas are based on http://courses.washington.edu/geog326/Lorenz.pdf*/
/*set up some test data*/
USE tempdb
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..TransData', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..TransData ;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..tempcalc', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tempdb..tempcalc ;
SELECT TOP 1000000
RegionID = 1 + CAST(Abs(Checksum(Newid()) % 1000 ) AS INT),
PopCount = 1 + CAST(Abs(Checksum(Newid()) % 90) AS INT),
Amount = 1 + CAST(Rand(Checksum(Newid())) * 1000 AS INT)
INTO TransData
FROM sys.all_columns ac1
CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2
CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac3
/*skew the data a litle to emphasise the results*/
UPDATE TransData
SET PopCount = PopCount * 1.2, Amount = Amount * 0.3
WHERE (RegionID % 3 = 0)
UPDATE TransData
SET PopCount = PopCount * 0.3, Amount = Amount * 2.5
WHERE (RegionID % 23 = 0)
/*solution follows.....there are other methods for running totals but here we use the quirky update method....
http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/68467/ by Jeff Moden
be sure you read and fully understand ALL the requirements to ensure data integrity*/
/*first off we will pre calculate the different requirements into "tempcalc"
this could be a cte/temp table...but the new table is created here for further analysis and testing*/
SET @pop = ( SELECT SUM(PopCount) FROM TransData )
SET @amt = ( SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM TransData )
SUM(PopCount) popcnt,
SUM(PopCount) * 1.00 / @pop as poppct,
SUM(Amount) AS amt ,
SUM(Amount) * 1.00 / @amt as amtpct,
(SUM(Amount) * 1.00 / @amt) / (SUM(PopCount) * 1.00 / @pop) as calc,
row_number() over (order by (SUM(Amount) * 1.00 / @amt) / (SUM(PopCount) * 1.00 / @pop)) rn,
cast(0 as numeric (25,13)) as popRT,
cast(0 as numeric (25,13)) as amtRT
INTO tempcalc
FROM TransData
/*the CIX below is an absolute requirement when using quirky update*/
([rn] ASC )
DECLARE @SafetyCounter INT
SET @popRT = 0
SET @amtRT = 0
SET @SafetyCounter = 1
cteWork AS
SELECT SafetyCounter = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by rn),
FROM dbo.tempcalc
UPDATE cteWork
SET @popRT = popRT = CASE
WHEN SafetyCounter = @SafetyCounter
THEN @popRT + poppct
ELSE CAST('Safety Counter went out of sync at ' + CAST(@SafetyCounter AS VARCHAR(10)) AS INT)
@amtRT = amtRT = CASE
WHEN SafetyCounter = @SafetyCounter
THEN @amtRT+amtpct
ELSE CAST('Safety Counter went out of sync at ' + CAST(@SafetyCounter AS VARCHAR(10)) AS INT)
@SafetyCounter = @SafetyCounter + 1
/*results here*/
select null as RegionID, 0 as popRT , 0 as amtRT, 0 as rn
union all
SELECT RegionID, popRT, amtRT, rn
FROM tempcalc
order by rn
drop table tempcalc
you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
and remember....every day is a school day
April 28, 2014 at 7:31 am
Hello all,
Thanks for your contributions and sorry for not responding.
This weekend I had a fall and have a head injuri. In a few days time everything should be back to normal.
I'll pick up this thread then. Sorry that I am not able to participate at this time.
April 28, 2014 at 7:42 am
ben.brugman (4/28/2014)
Hello all,Thanks for your contributions and sorry for not responding.
This weekend I had a fall and have a head injuri. In a few days time everything should be back to normal.
I'll pick up this thread then. Sorry that I am not able to participate at this time.
Sorry to hear that Ben...trust you recover quickly,that is far more important than this thread !
you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
and remember....every day is a school day
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