Distributed Computing Principles and SQL-on-Hadoop Systems

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Distributed Computing Principles and SQL-on-Hadoop Systems

    Frank Banin
    BI and Advanced Analytics Professional.

  • Great article, thank you!
    P.S. If somebody would proofread it before publishing it would be even better :satisfied:

  • I had high hopes for the information I would gather from your article, so I took time out of my day to read it. Being that I was reading this at work, I needed to digest the information quickly.  I still think it would be an informative piece, but as I was reading I tired of slowing down to mentally add missing words for clarity and tripping over grammatical basics like subject-verb agreement and finally I quit reading.  Please proof read before submitting.  The problems aren't just grammatical, key descriptions are not considered for clarity.  Break the article into smaller parts and leave time to concentrate on presentation.

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