Distributed AG - Forwarder not forwarding

  • Manually restoring the databases on the 'target' AG that will be part of a Distributed AG (DAG).

    When the DAG is created it appears to be fine - the status of the DAG is healthy and the data is replicating across to the Forwarder.

    However, the addiitional servers on the Forwarder's AG now have the databases attached as part of the AG, but they are still in 'restoring' state, when I would expect them to be synchronising.

    When I fail the DAG over, so the 'target' AG is now Primary, the server that was the Forwarder (and is now Primary) is up to date but the other nodes have failed to synchronise.

    The AG dashboard shows all of the databases on every node, but only Primary is in sync.

    Does anybody have any idea what would prevent the Forwarder from updating the other nodes? Not something I've come across before.


  • Did you expand the AG then databases and see what it shows on other replicas which are part of forwarder? If it is in red then I believe it is catching up with all the logs and if it is like a yellow triangle, you may have to manually add the database into the AG. You may see some issues where it complains about missing log when you try to add, but that can be easily fixed.

  • In case anybody has a similair situation in the future - firewall settings.

    One of our many new firewalls wasn't configured correctly and was blocking the port that the listener was on, amongst others.


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