distribute available quantity between stores

  • i have this table with this data

    ID Store SKU AvailableQty ReceivingStore QtyDemand Transferred

    1 ST1 100 20 ST2 14 14

    2 ST1 100 20 ST3 25 6

    3 ST1 100 20 ST4 25 0

    how to distribute available quantity based on demand quantity and calculated same in column transferred.

  • quick question, you need TransferedQty column result through the query ???

  • twin.devil (6/27/2016)

    quick question, you need TransferedQty column result through the query ???

    yes exactly

  • declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 14union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 25union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25

    select ID, Store, SKU, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand , case when bal < 1 then

    case when QtyDemand + bal < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand + bal end

    else AvailableQty - bal end as transfered



    select *

    , (AvailableQty - SUM(t.QtyDemand ) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)) as bal

    from @Transaction t

    ) A

    hope it helps.

  • twin.devil (6/27/2016)

    declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 14union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 25union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25

    select ID, Store, SKU, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand , case when bal < 1 then

    case when QtyDemand + bal < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand + bal end

    else AvailableQty - bal end as transfered



    select *

    , (AvailableQty - SUM(t.QtyDemand ) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)) as bal

    from @Transaction t

    ) A

    hope it helps.

    thank you for your help , it worked successfully but in some cases the transferred Qty more than QtyDemand

  • Share some of the sample data for which you are having issues.

  • twin.devil (6/27/2016)

    Share some of the sample data for which you are having issues.

    you can change in the value of QtyDemand and it will result the issue

    declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 2union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25

    select ID, Store, SKU, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand , case when bal < 1 then

    case when QtyDemand + bal < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand+bal end

    else AvailableQty - bal end as transfered



    select *

    , (AvailableQty - SUM(t.QtyDemand ) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)) as bal

    from @Transaction t

    ) A

  • also if total demand less than or equal available it will result the issue,

    my issue if total demand more than available but if less or equal i already add QtyDemand

    case when availableQty >=TotalDemand then QtyDemand else ...here the issue how to stop if it exceeded the available Qty

  • declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    --- Original Case

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 14union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 25union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 1

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST2', 2union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 2

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST2', 20union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST4', 25





    select a.*, case when a.rn = 1 then AvailableQty - QtyDemand else null end as OpenBal



    select *

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by SKU ORDER BY ID) as rn

    from @Transaction

    ) A


    Select ID,Store, Sku, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand, case when transfered = 0 then PrevBalc else transfered end as transfered



    select *, case when rn = 1 then QtyDemand else case when closeing < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand end end as transfered

    , case when LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) > 0 THEN LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) else 0 end AS PrevBalc



    select * , SUM(coalesce(OpenBal, -1 * QtyDemand)) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as closeing

    from cte c

    ) A

    ) A

    Edited: Added two more cases for understanding.

    Hope it helps.

  • excellent , thanks , appreciating your help .

  • you are welcome 🙂

  • Can you explain why you are adding QtyDemand here?

    My doubt is since for 1st row the demand is supplied using the quantity in that row, then why should we SUM it?

  • Please Ignore my previous clarification as its based on your first solution.

  • After going through the query, if found i have missed a case and i have fixed it.

    Following is the issue:

    fixed issue: If 1st DemandQty is greater then the available quantity the Transferred column was showing DemandQty not the AvailableQty.

    Here is the latest code, i have also added the CASE 3.

    declare @Transaction table


    ID int

    , Store char(3)

    , SKU int

    , AvailableQty int

    , ReceivingStore char(3)

    , QtyDemand int


    insert into @Transaction

    --- Original Case

    select 1, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST2', 14union all

    select 2, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST3', 25union all

    select 3, 'ST1', 100, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 1

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST2', 2union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 101, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 2

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST2', 20union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 102, 20, 'ST4', 25


    --- Sample Case 3----- Added the case if 1st value is greater then the available quantity.

    insert into @Transaction

    select 4, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST2', 25union all

    select 5, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST3', 5union all

    select 6, 'ST1', 103, 20, 'ST4', 5





    select a.*, case when a.rn = 1 then AvailableQty - QtyDemand else null end as OpenBal



    select *

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by SKU ORDER BY ID) as rn

    from @Transaction

    ) A


    Select ID,Store, Sku, AvailableQty, ReceivingStore, QtyDemand, case when transfered = 0 then PrevBalc else transfered end as transfered



    select *

    ---- Updated fixed issue: 1st DemandQty is greater then the available quantity.

    ---, case when rn = 1 then QtyDemand else case when closeing < 0 then 0 else QtyDemand end end as transfered

    , case

    when rn = 1 then


    when QtyDemand > AvailableQty then AvailableQty

    ELSE QtyDemand




    when closeing < 0 then 0




    end as transfered

    ---- Ends here

    , case when LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) > 0 THEN LAG(closeing) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID) else 0 end AS PrevBalc



    select * , SUM(coalesce(OpenBal, -1 * QtyDemand)) OVER (Partition by sku ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as closeing

    from cte c

    ) A

    ) A

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