Distinct Records

  • Hi,

    The inner join in sql query is returning multiple records with one which has date and one which doesn't varies between two records,how can i get only the record which has date in between these two

    SELECT distinct dbo.table1.Value1, dbo.table2.Value2,dbo.table3.Date,dbo.table3.Value6

    FROM dbo.table1

    INNER JOIN table3 ON dbo.table1.Value1 = dbo.table3.Value1

    INNER JOIN table2 ON dbo.table1.SecID= dbo.table2.ID

    Right now i am getting two values one with out date and one with date


  • if you can post some sample data, it would help.

    but to answer your question, a'where date is not null' should get what you are looking for

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for the reply,but i also need records which doesnt have date set

    For Example:

    Value1 Value2 Date Value3

    a1 S9 NULL M1

    b1 S3 NULL B1

    b1 S3 2010-01-27 00:00:00.000 B1

    c1 S4 NULL B1

    c1 S4 2010-02-04 00:00:00.000 B1

    For example from the above if add date is not null then it will exclude a1 record from the list which is needed,also where dates set i would only like to pick the one with date set instead of null one

    b1 S3 NULL B1

    b1 S3 2010-01-27 00:00:00.000 B1

    Deleting the first one and using the second from the above


  • Hi again,

    i inserted the data as

    select * into test2 from (

    select 'a1' Value, 'S9' Value2,NULL Date, 'M1' as Value3

    union all

    select 'b1' ,'S3' ,NULL ,'B1'

    union all

    select 'b1' ,'S3' ,'2010-01-27 00:00:00.000', 'B1'

    union all

    select 'c1' ,'S4' ,NULL, 'B1'

    union all

    select 'c1' ,'S4' ,'2010-02-04 00:00:00.000', 'B1'


    and i THINK you are looking for this statement.

    select value, value2, MAX(date), value3 from test2 group by value, value2, value3

  • Yes thank you,that works

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