Distinct () conundrum

  • Hello,

     I've got a seemingly simple SQL task to write, which I've spent days working on and can't come up with clean code to perform the task.  I've got two columns I'll call Col1 and Col2.  THe values are as follows:

    Col1       Col2

    A            B

    A            C

    B            A


    WHen I do a      Select distinct Col1, Col2,   I get A,B A,C B,A.   Where as I really only want distinct sets.  I want to get A,B   A,c


    I would be extremely grateful if anyone could offer advice on this frustrating chunk of code.


    Many Thanks!!!







    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Jim - Thanks for your reply!  I tried that recommendation but didn't have any success.  Maybe I oversimplified the statement of the problem.

    THe original query was this:

    SELECT     distinct ti.tactical_issue_id as ti1, ti2.tactical_issue_id as ti2

    FROM         tactical_issue ti,

          tactical_issue ti2,

          product_issue pi,

        ti_associated_entities tiae

    where pi.tactical_issue_id = ti.tactical_issue_id and

       tiae.tactical_issue_id = ti2.tactical_issue_id and

     pi.patient_id = tiae.entity_id and

         pi.tactical_issue_id <> tiae.tactical_issue_id and

     ti.date_initiated >= (getdate()-7)  and

     ti2.date_initiated >= (getdate() -7)

    And following the suggestion I made it this


    SELECT     distinct ti.tactical_issue_id as ti1, ti2.tactical_issue_id as ti2

    FROM         tactical_issue ti,

          tactical_issue ti2,

          product_issue pi,

        ti_associated_entities tiae

    where pi.tactical_issue_id = ti.tactical_issue_id and

       tiae.tactical_issue_id = ti2.tactical_issue_id and

     pi.patient_id = tiae.entity_id and

         pi.tactical_issue_id <> tiae.tactical_issue_id and

     ti.date_initiated >= (getdate()-7)  and

     ti2.date_initiated >= (getdate() -7)


    SELECT     distinct ti.tactical_issue_id as ti2, ti2.tactical_issue_id as ti1

    FROM         tactical_issue ti,

          tactical_issue ti2,

          product_issue pi,

        ti_associated_entities tiae

    where pi.tactical_issue_id = ti.tactical_issue_id and

       tiae.tactical_issue_id = ti2.tactical_issue_id and

     pi.patient_id = tiae.entity_id and

         pi.tactical_issue_id <> tiae.tactical_issue_id and

     ti.date_initiated >= (getdate()-7)  and

     ti2.date_initiated >= (getdate() -7)


    However, I still get the repeating set as the first two entries...  I thought about summing the columns and then trying to select unique values out of that but that's not a very robust idea....  Any other ideas?

    46681 46682

    46682 46681

    46684 46683

    46684 46685

    46685 46683


  • assumming both columns are some type of integer, trying doing a bitwise AND on both columns in your SELECT DISTINCT clause as follows:

    SELECT DISTINCT(ti.tactical_issue_id & ti2.tactical_issue_id), ti.tactical_issue_id as ti1, ti2.tactical_issue_id as ti2 ...

    this should take care of the duplicate scenario posted ...

  • Thanks Journey Man.  Still pulling my hair out though!!!!  I get this as a result when I try the Bitwise operator.   I can't believe such a relatively easy concept is so hard to implement 

    Bitwise  ti1    ti2

    46680 46681 46682

    46680 46682 46681

    46680 46684 46683

    46681 46685 46683

    46684 46684 46685


    SYntax says 


    SELECT     distinct(ti.tactical_issue_id & ti2.tactical_issue_id) as Bitwise, ti.tactical_issue_id as ti1, ti2.tactical_issue_id as ti2

    FROM         tactical_issue ti,

          tactical_issue ti2,

          product_issue pi,

        ti_associated_entities tiae

    where pi.tactical_issue_id = ti.tactical_issue_id and

       tiae.tactical_issue_id = ti2.tactical_issue_id and

     pi.patient_id = tiae.entity_id and

         pi.tactical_issue_id <> tiae.tactical_issue_id and

     ti.date_initiated >= (getdate()-7)  and

     ti2.date_initiated >= (getdate() -7)


  • Hi All....  I spent the day looking through SQL Books online and can't find the proper construct for this....  The frustrating thing is that I saw it yesterday 

    It involved comparing the two columns at the end so that you get rid of sets that are the "same" 

    i.e.     1,2  2,3  2,1

    I think it did something like  Col1 > Col2   or something like that.   That obviously won't work b/c then I'd miss any case in which the results were returned and the id of Col2 was > Col1

    Still hoping for an angelic piece of advice on this one!

  • How about this one? Going back to your very first post on this, if the table is called 'test' and your columns are 'cola' and 'colb':

    select distinct 'cola' =


    when cola cola then colb

    else cola


    from test

    So we ensure that the data pairs are always in ascending alpha order and do a DISTINCT on the resulting records.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Thanks Phil!  Great idea.  I've incorporated it into my code and it works beautifully!  Thanks again.  Saved me alot of time writing a cursor to loop through and remove the duplicate.   many thanks!!!! 

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