Distinct area code / phone #

  • I need to pull just one area code/phone # for each customer. The challenge I'm facing is that some customers have one areacode/phone#; others have two areacode/phone# and others don't have one at all.

    I thought TOP might do it but it's not giving me the desired results. Maybe I'm not using it properly. Or is there another way?



  • Hi, John. Please post the structure of the table that you are querying, some sample data and the query that you've used so far. Thanks.

  • You could perhaps do a row_number() over partition..... that would work.


  • Example for Row_Number Function

    declare @t table (name nvarchar(10), tn nvarchar(10), date datetime)

    insert into @t

    select 'matt','1234567890','2009-09-15' union all

    select 'john','2345678901','2009-05-15' union all

    select 'pete','','' union all

    select 'matt', '2345678901','2009-04-18' union all

    select 'john','7890123456','2009-09-15'

    select name, tn



    select name, tn, row_number() over (partition by name order by date desc) as ranking

    from @t


    as ref

    where ranking = 1

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