Displaying Table and Column schema

  • I know using T-SQL the sp_tables and sp_columns stored procedure will display the necessary table and column information.  Unfortunately I need to be able get this kind of information through an ODBC link to a variety of databases.

    Is there and standard SQL command that will retrieve table and column information?  I would have thought there must be some way as a tool like Microsoft Query will display column and table information.

    Anybody got any ideas?

    Many thanks,

    James Knight

  • i don't know if this is what you are looking for, but you can always query the information_schema views (information_schema.tables, information_schema.columns, etc.).

  • That actually works better that the stored procedures for SQL server databases, but it doesn't work for other odbc databases (eg Access).  Is there a generic odbc command that will list table and column information?


    James Knight

  • You can create two temperal tabels, #Column and #Table, that have same column as sp_columns and sp_tables return. Then,

    INSERT #Column EXEC sp_column

    INSERT #Table EXEC sp_tables

    Other databases call two tables and get data

  • Personally, I create a view that gives me a select from the meta data. The TOP 100 PERCENT allows you to do an ORDER BY in a view. You can then link it in Access as a data source.

    CREATE VIEW dbo.vzTableColumnNames AS



    --WHERE (table_name LIKE 'Ed%') AND (table_name NOT LIKE 'Edz%')

    ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position

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