Displaying every combo of unique id values

  • Displaying every combo of unique id values

    I have a table with an ID and desc

    ID  Desc

    1   Bill

    2   Sam

    3   John

    4   Mike

    I need to create a table (automatically) that will

    create a 'combo' of each potential grouping of ID(s)

    i.e.  You can have:

    (1) Bill alone,

        Sam alone, etc.


    (2) Bill and Sam,

        Bill and John

        Bill and Mike

        Sam and John, etc.


    (3) Bill, Sam and John

        Bill, Mike and John ,etc.


    (4) Bill, Sam, John and Mike

    This is what the newly created table should look like.  GroupID is created for each unique combo of IDs

    GroupID   ID

    1         1

    2         2

    3         3

    4         4

    5         1

    5         2

    6         1

    6         3

    7         1

    7         4

    8         1

    8         2

    8         3

    9         1

    9         2

    9         3

    9         4

    Hope this isn't too confusing.  Thanks for any assistance!!!

  • Have a look at CROSS JOIN in BOL. If I understand you correct that should give you what you need.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Thanks Frank,

    Unfortunatelky that will not give the response I'm looking for.

    Will return

    Itm_ItemID Expr1

    1  1

    2  1

    3  1

    4  1

    1  2

    2  2

    3  2

    4  2

    1  3

    2  3

    3  3

    4  3

    1  4

    2  4

    3  4

    4  4




  • Apparently I've misunderstood you. Will dig into this...

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I will look this weekend, but I have a dynamic SQL script that includes an ALTER TABLE and loops through a table, (or two) to generate something like what I think you want.  I will see if I can find it, but you may think it up yourself. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • This is hardcoded for up to 4 ID's ( but it would not be too hard to generate the dynamics )

    Good Luck.


    -- setup

    set nocount on

    create table #t([ID] int identity, [Desc] varchar(10))

    insert #t select 'Bill' union select 'Sam' union select 'John' union select 'Mike'

    create table #permutations(GroupID int identity, p char(256))

    insert #permutations -- 1 value

    select cast(t1.[ID] as char(8))

    from #t t1

    insert #permutations -- 2 values

    select cast(t1.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t2.[ID] as char(8))

    from #t t1 join #t t2 on t1.[ID] < t2.[ID]

    insert #permutations -- 3 values

    select cast(t1.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t2.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t3.[ID] as char(8))

    from #t t1 join #t t2 on t1.[ID] < t2.[ID] join #t t3 on t2.[ID] < t3.[ID]

    insert #permutations -- 4 values

    select cast(t1.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t2.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t3.[ID] as char(8))+cast(t4.[ID] as char(8))

    from #t t1 join #t t2 on t1.[ID] < t2.[ID] join #t t3 on t2.[ID] < t3.[ID] join #t t4 on t3.[ID] < t4.[ID]

    -- Here we create the long table with all the groups...

    select GroupID,substring(p,1+8*tally.n,8) as [ID] from #permutations

    join (select 0 as n union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 ) tally -- 4 values tally

    on len(#permutations.p) > 8*tally.n

    order by 1,2

    -- cleanup

    drop table #permutations

    drop table #t


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • How about something like:

    create table #TempData (ID int)

    insert into #TempData values ( 1 )

    insert into #TempData values ( 2 )

    insert into #TempData values ( 3 )

    insert into #TempData values ( 4 )

    Create Table #TempResults (GroupID int identity, ID1 int, ID2 int, ID3 int, ID4 int)

    Insert into #TempResults (ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4)

    Select temp1.ID as ID1 , temp2.ID as ID2, 0 as ID3,0 as ID4 from #TempData Temp1, #TempData Temp2


    Select temp1.ID as ID1 , temp2.ID as ID2, temp3.ID as ID3,0 as ID4 from #TempData Temp1, #TempData temp2, #TempData temp3


    Select temp1.ID as ID1 , temp2.ID as ID2, temp3.ID as ID3,temp4.ID as ID4 from #TempData Temp1, #TempData temp2, #TempData temp3, #TempData temp4

    select * from #TempResults

    drop table #TempData

    drop table #tempResults




  • How about this

    CREATE TABLE #TableB (GroupID int, [ID] int)

    DECLARE @groupid int, @id int, @max-2 int, @CT int

    SELECT @max-2 = MAX([ID]) FROM [TableA]

    SET @groupid = 0

    SET @id = 1

    WHILE @id <= @max-2


    SET @groupid = @groupid + 1

    INSERT INTO [TableB] (GroupID, [ID]) VALUES (@groupid, @id)

    SET @CT = @id + 1

    WHILE @CT <= @max-2


    SET @groupid = @groupid + 1

    INSERT INTO [TableB] (GroupID, [ID]) VALUES (@groupid, @id)

    INSERT INTO [TableB] (GroupID, [ID]) VALUES (@groupid, @CT)

    IF (@ct - @id) > 1


    SET @groupid = @groupid + 1

    INSERT INTO [TableB] (GroupID, [ID])

        SELECT @groupid, [ID] FROM [TableA]

        WHERE [ID] >= @id AND [ID] <= @CT


    SET @CT = @CT + 1


    SET @id = @id + 1


    SELECT * FROM #TableB

    DROP TABLE #TableB

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • -- This is our data:

    declare @Vals table (ID int)

    insert into @vals

    select 1 union

    select 2 union

    select 3 union

    select 4 union

    select 5

    -- we need numbers, from 1 through 2 ^ (# of values)

    -- This is just a helper table.

    -- If a numbers table already exists, we don't need to

    -- create this:

    declare @Numbers table (N int)

    declare @i int;

    declare @Count int;

    set @i = 0

    set @count = (select count(*) from @vals)

    set nocount on

    while (@i < power(2, @count))


    set @i=@i+1

    insert into @Numbers values (@i)


    set nocount off

    -- *************************

    -- Here is the final answer -- a single SELECT.

    -- It handles up to 32 values in the data:

    select N.N as GroupID, V.ID

    from @Numbers N

    inner join @Vals V

    on (power(2,V.ID-1) & N.N) = power(2,V.ID-1)

    order by N.N, V.ID

  • warning (for my method and others):

    if large amounts of data you have, results grow even larger.

    For N names, possible groups = 2^N - 1.

    This means only 32 names = 4,294,967,295

    possible groups.

    lots of rows to return, hm?

  • When you compare what is wanted, and what your nice solution produces, are you sure this is correct?

    With yours I get:

    1           1

    2           2

    3           1

    3           2

    4           3

    5           1

    5           3

    6           2

    6           3

    While this is wanted

    1         1

    2         2

    3         3

    4         4

    5         1

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • It depends if GroupID has any meaning. if it is just to group each distinct set, then no difference.

    if there must be some logic as to how groupID is calculated, that must be specified. (it hasn't been)

  • "select N.N as GroupID, V.ID

    from @Numbers N

    inner join @Vals V

    on (power(2,V.ID-1) & N.N) = power(2,V.ID-1)

    order by N.N, V.ID"

    Very impressive Yoda!

    Is this a "known" algorithm, or did you work it out yourself ?

    Would You care to elaborate, I barely understand even after dissecting it.

    I checked this, but did not make me much wiser.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • It is simply binary !

    for 4 names:






    ..etc ...


    1 = include the name, 0 = exclude.

    For each group:

    GroupID = integer representation of the bits

    Members = all ID's in which the bit in their position is set to 1

  • Do the CROSS JOIN as first reply but then simply filter one ID <= the other ID

    This does permutations:

    select a.id, b.id

      FROM sysobjects a

           JOIN sysobjects b ON 1=1

    WHERE a.id < 20 --limit the results to managable

      AND b.id < 20  --limit the results to managable

    AND a.id <= b.id

    ORDER BY 1, 2



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