Display Table name and columns

  • Hello,  Is it possible to use the system tables to create a sort of data dictionary? I'd like to report the table name, column name, and data type.

    Thanks, Steve DiDomenico, Nashua, NH

  • Take a look at INFORMATION_SCHEMA in books online.


  • Look at





    also what is your goal as it might work better with SQL-DMO?

  • Here is a little script I use.



    DECLARE @TABELNAME nVarchar(500)



     column_name = object_columns.[name],

     value_type = object_column_type.[name] + '(' + CAST(object_columns.[length] AS varchar(5)) + ')',

     value_precision = object_columns.[xprec],

     value_scale = object_columns.[xscale],

     value_nullable =

     CASE object_columns.[isnullable]


      ELSE 'TRUE'


     column_position = object_columns.[colorder]

    FROM sysobjects objects

    INNER JOIN syscolumns object_columns

     ON objects.[id] = object_columns.[id]

    INNER JOIN systypes object_column_type

     ON object_columns.[xtype] = object_column_type.[xtype]

    WHERE objects.[name] = @TABELNAME

    ORDER BY object_columns.[name]

    Leon Bakkers

  • Hi!

    try this script, probably solve your purpose....

    select table_name, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, isnull( convert(varchar, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH), '-NA-') as CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH 

    from information_schema.columns

    order by table_name

    Best Regards,

    Indu Jakhar

  • You can also use the System Stored procedures sp_tables and sp_columns

    Look them up in Books Online Catalogue functions

  • You can also press Alt+F1 while the tablename is highlighted in QA.

  • Just a quick note.  You said, "to create a sort of data dictionary."

    There's not question about it, the system tables ARE the data dictionary.  There may be views and tools prewritten to help you get to the information but a through understanding of all the systems tables is essential to any DBA.

    Don't just review the system tables in a database either.  Look at the system tables in the MASTER database too.  Here is where you see information about each of the databases also.

    Then look at sp_xxxx also.

    Always a student...

  • Thanks for all of the replys. Leon, your script is what I was looking for.  Thanks a million.

  • This will return all user tables and columns in a db. Its helpful when your searching for spicific for cols.

    Select o.name, c.name
    From sysobjects o
    Join syscolumns c on o.id = c.id
    Where o.xtype = 'U'
    and o.status > 0
    -- Narrow down search
    --and c.name like '%log%'
    Order by 1,2

    Thank you.
    Francis S. Mazeika

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