Display Supplier (Help)

  • I need to display the Name of all US-based, Japan-based and German-based suppliers. Order the results by Name in ascending order. Can you help me?

  • richesflow (9/2/2012)

    I need to display the Name of all US-based, Japan-based and German-based suppliers. Order the results by Name in ascending order. Can you help me?

    Hello and welcome to the site.

    for future reference you will find that for the majority of questions it is helpful to us and you if you can provide some example background details...this is often referred to as DDL / insert scripts......if you arent sure how to do this please post back.

    below is some sample code that you can paste into SSMS and run.

    USE [tempdb]


    -- create a table and insert some data to demonstrate what I am talking about

    -- this will allow potential helpers to easily provide thoughts and solutions

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Suppliers]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[Suppliers]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Suppliers](

    [Supplier_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Supplier_name] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Supplier_country] [varchar](50) NULL,



    [Supplier_ID] ASC

    )) ON [PRIMARY]


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Suppliers] ON;

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Suppliers]([Supplier_ID], [Supplier_name], [Supplier_country])

    SELECT 1, N'Acme Trade', N'Japan' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, N'Xyzzy Co', N'Germany' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, N'Zeus and Company', N'UK' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, N'Lincoln Inc', N'USA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, N'Whamo Widgets', N'USA' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, N'MoCarCo', N'Germany'

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Suppliers] OFF;

    -- here is some code that might provide some ideas.

    SELECT Supplier_name, Supplier_country


    WHERE (Supplier_country IN ('Germany', 'USA'))

    ORDER BY Supplier_country, Supplier_name

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • richesflow (9/2/2012)

    I need to display the Name of all US-based, Japan-based and German-based suppliers. Order the results by Name in ascending order. Can you help me?

    Based on this and the other questions you've asked, I'd recommend taking a starter course on SQL. You can find such a thing at W3Schools.com.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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