display other value if column is nothing !

  • Hi,

    i'm a beginner with t sql (sql server 2005)

    i have two table :

    training (trainingId, nomFR, nomEN)

    course (courseId, trainingId, nomFR, nomEN)

    I want to display all training and course


    if course.nomFR is null or empty i must to display the training.nomFR column !

    any idea ?

    i've try to use ISNULL() but sometimes the course.nomFR is not null but there is no data (len = 0)



  • Hi,

    The table schema haven’t the null, so that it’s happened some time,

    Use the case statement to set this issue, like

    select a.CID,a.trainingId,

    (case when (a.nomFR = '') or (a.nomFR is null) then b.nomFR else a.nomFR end)nomFR,

    (case when (a.nomEN = '') or (a.nomEN is null) then b.nomEN else a.nomEN end)nomEN


    course a

    inner join

    training b


    a.trainingId = b.trainingId

  • Can u try this one!




    "nomFR" = case when coalesce(a.nomFR, '') = '' then b.nomFR else a.nomFR end,

    "nomEN" = case when coalesce(a.nomEN, '') = '' then b.nomEN else a.nomEN end


    #course a

    inner join #training b on a.trainingId = b.trainingId

  • Hi ram,

    This may also another way you to go by coalesces. However you got the mean to archive.

  • Hi,

    thanks for your time and sample !

    that exactly what i want !

    have a nice day


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