Display month in 3 letter abbreviation

  • In a stored procedure to list class dates, I have the following:


        when cl.Hours > cs.HoursPerDay and cs.HoursPerDay > 0 then left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6) + '-' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(month,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate))) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(day,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate))) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(year,cs.StartDate))

        else left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),11)

    If a class is 8 hours or less, it does the else case. However, if there are more than 8 hours, it goes to the next day so there is a range date (for example Sep 4 - Sep 6. I am trying to get the second part to display the abbreviation. Right now it is displaying Sep 4 - 9 6, 9 being the month of September. Any help would be appreciated

  • Hi David

    Can you provide sample data for cl.hours, cs.hoursperday, cs.startdate etc and also what you want to be returned in each case? As your expression is getting quite complex, I'm thinking that it might be worthwhile creating a few local variables to break it all down a bit.



  • Hi Phil:

    Thank you very much for your taking the time to reply. First of all, please understand that I am a novice with sql. I took over this website and all the code was written by the previous webmaster.

    If you are intersted in seeing what I am talking about, please go to http://www.prezant.com. Click the training link and then click the grid that says view the complete course schedule. From this, the stored procedure is called. It is a stored procedure called spSearchClasses. As it is now, the month is not properly displaying. For example, if you go to the fourth class from the bottom of the Asbestos category (Asbestos Abatement Class I,II,III. or IV) Worker Certification - $350), you will notice that the first date displays: Aug 31-3. This was before I added the section to add the month. For a class that spans two months, I wanted to put in the second month. The new stored procedure does this, but again, it is displaying a "9" instead of "Sep" like I want it to. The new stored procedure is not on there now because it was too confusing to read. I will put it back when I figure out how to display "Sep" instead of "9". This may be too much and possibly hard to read in this context, but here is the stored procedure as it stands now:

    CREATE proc spSearchClasses(

     @Keyword varchar(100),

     @LocationID int,

     @CourseCategoryID int,

     @ClassScheduleID int,

     @CourseID int

    ) as

     set nocount on

     declare @Today datetime

     select @Today = convert(datetime,left(convert(varchar,getdate(),0),11))

     /* If @CLassScheduleID is not null then other parameters are ignored */

     if @ClassScheduleID is NOT NULL BEGIN

      declare @ClassID int

      select @ClassID = ClassID,

       @LocationID = LocationID

      from tblClassSchedule

      where ClassScheduleID = @ClassScheduleID

      /* not really a search; just grab the indicated class */

      select l.LocationID,

       l.Name as LocationName,


       cc.Name as CategoryName,



       co.Description as CourseDescription,



       cl.Description as ClassDescription,





        when cl.Hours > cs.HoursPerDay and cs.HoursPerDay > 0 then left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6) + '-' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(day,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate))) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(year,cs.StartDate))

        else left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),11)

       end as DateRange,

       ltrim(right(convert(varchar,cs.StartTime,0),7)) + ' - ' + ltrim(right(convert(varchar,dateadd(minute,cs.HoursPerDay*60+cs.BreakMinutes,cs.StartTime),0),7)) as StartTime

      from tblLocation l,

       tblCourseCategory cc,

       tblCourse co,

       tblClass cl,

       tblClassSchedule cs

      where cs.LocationID = l.LocationID

      and cs.ClassID = cl.ClassID

      and co.CourseID = cl.CourseID

      and co.CourseCategoryID = cc.CourseCategoryID

      /* search clause */

      and cs.ClassID = @ClassID

      and cs.LocationID = @LocationID

      and cs.StartDate >= @Today



      if @CourseID is NOT NULL BEGIN

       /* not really a search; just grab the indicated classes within the course */

       select l.LocationID,

        l.Name as LocationName,


        cc.Name as CategoryName,



        co.Description as CourseDescription,



        cl.Description as ClassDescription,





         when cl.Hours > cs.HoursPerDay and cs.HoursPerDay > 0 then left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6) + '-' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(day,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate))) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(year,cs.StartDate))

         else left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),11)

        end as DateRange,

        ltrim(right(convert(varchar,cs.StartTime,0),7)) + ' - ' + ltrim(right(convert(varchar,dateadd(minute,cs.HoursPerDay*60+cs.BreakMinutes,cs.StartTime),0),7)) as StartTime

       from tblLocation l,

        tblCourseCategory cc,

        tblCourse co,

        tblClass cl,

        tblClassSchedule cs

       where cs.LocationID = l.LocationID

       and cs.ClassID = cl.ClassID

       and co.CourseID = cl.CourseID

       and co.CourseCategoryID = cc.CourseCategoryID

       /* search clause */

       and co.CourseID = @CourseID

       and cs.StartDate >= @Today



       if @Keyword is NOT NULL BEGIN

        select @Keyword = '%' + @Keyword + '%'

        /* manufacture the list of acceptable locations */

        create table #Location(LocationID int)

        if @LocationID is NOT NULL BEGIN

         insert #Location values (@LocationID)


        ELSE BEGIN

         insert #Location select LocationID from tblLocation


        /* manufacture the list of acceptable categories */

        create table #CourseCategory(CourseCategoryID int)

        if @CourseCategoryID is NOT NULL BEGIN

         insert #CourseCategory values (@CourseCategoryID)


        ELSE BEGIN

         insert #CourseCategory select CourseCategoryID from tblCourseCategory


        select l.LocationID,

         l.Name as LocationName,


         cc.Name as CategoryName,



         co.Description as CourseDescription,



         cl.Description as ClassDescription,





          when cl.Hours > cs.HoursPerDay and cs.HoursPerDay > 0 then left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6) + '-' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(day,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate))) + ' ' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(year,cs.StartDate))

          else left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),11)

         end as DateRange,

         ltrim(right(convert(varchar,cs.StartTime,0),7)) + ' - ' + ltrim(right(convert(varchar,dateadd(minute,cs.HoursPerDay*60+cs.BreakMinutes,cs.StartTime),0),7)) as StartTime

        from tblLocation l,

         tblCourseCategory cc,

         tblCourse co,

         tblClass cl,

         tblClassSchedule cs

        where cs.LocationID = l.LocationID

        and cs.ClassID = cl.ClassID

        and co.CourseID = cl.CourseID

        and co.CourseCategoryID = cc.CourseCategoryID

        /* search clause */

        and( cc.Name LIKE @Keyword

         OR co.CourseName LIKE @Keyword

         OR co.Description LIKE @Keyword

         OR cl.ClassName LIKE @Keyword

         OR cl.Description LIKE @Keyword


        and l.LocationID in (select LocationID from #Location)

        and cc.CourseCategoryID in (select CourseCategoryID from #CourseCategory)

        and cs.StartDate >= @Today

        order by l.LocationID,cc.Name,co.CourseName,cl.ClassID,cs.StartDate



        /* not really a search; just grab all class for the next 6 months */

        select l.LocationID,

         l.Name as LocationName,


         cc.Name as CategoryName,



         co.Description as CourseDescription,



         cl.Description as ClassDescription,





          when cl.Hours > cs.HoursPerDay and cs.HoursPerDay > 0 then left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6) + '-' + convert(varchar,DATEPART(day,DATEADD(day,(cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay)-1, cs.StartDate)))

          else left(convert(varchar,cs.StartDate,0),6)

         end as DateRange,

         ltrim(right(convert(varchar,cs.StartTime,0),7)) + ' - ' + ltrim(right(convert(varchar,dateadd(minute,cs.HoursPerDay*60+cs.BreakMinutes,cs.StartTime),0),7)) as StartTime

        from tblLocation l,

         tblCourseCategory cc,

         tblCourse co,

         tblClass cl,

         tblClassSchedule cs

        where cs.LocationID = l.LocationID

        and cs.ClassID = cl.ClassID

        and co.CourseID = cl.CourseID

        and co.CourseCategoryID = cc.CourseCategoryID

        /* search clause */

        and cs.StartDate >= @Today

        and cs.StartDate <= dateadd(m,6,@Today)


        order by cc.Name,co.CourseName + cl.ClassName,l.LocationID,cl.ClassID,cs.StartDate





    I'm not sure how else to relay this info to you so I apologize for the volume here.

    To get back to your original question, the start date is entered as mm/dd/yyyy. If the class is more than 8 hours, it span more than one day. So what I am trying to achieve is to get the end date to be in the same format as the start date (using the 3 letter abbreviation for the month rather than just the number).

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide. I would be happy to email you stuff if you need. I appreciate your time.




  • Thanks for that! As I'm supposed to have a day job, I couldn't spend too much time wading through your stored proc - no offence Maybe this will help though - a user defined function that will return the three-letter abbrev of a month, given an integer (1-12) as the argument. Here's the UDF:

    create function dbo.fn_ReturnMonth(@MonthNo int)

    returns varchar(20)



    declare @ret_value char(3), @months char(36)

    set @ret_value = ''

    set @months = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'

    if @monthno >= 1 and @monthno <= 12

    set @ret_value = substring(@months, 1+(@monthno - 1) * 3, 3)

    return @ret_value


    Once you've got this function defined in your db, you can use it as follows:

    select dbo.fn_ReturnMonth([monthno]) as Mth


    select dbo.fn_ReturnMonth(datepart(month,getdate())) as Mth

    returns the text 'Jul'.



  • Hi David,

      Do you really need all these headaches? The query given below will give you desired output if you replace getdate() function with the date you want.



    Hope this helps you.

    Have a gr8 day.

    Nivedita Sundar.N


  • Hi Nivedita:

    Thanks for the post. Where would I find the getdate() function? I don't see it in the stored procedure. Like I said, I am a novice and am probably over my head with all this. Thanks.


  • David

    You can call the getdate() function at any time and it will return the current system datetime. It is a built-in SQL Server function and therefore does not need to be defined/declared. It does not take any arguments.



  • Hi Phil:

    OK..so I created the user defined function you gave me yesterday in the user defined function section of the db. Then, I inserted:

    select dbo.fn_ReturnMonth(datepart(month,getdate())) as Mth

    into the stored procedure right after:

    select @Today = convert(datetime,left(convert(varchar,getdate(),0),11)) - which you can see from the huge long reply from the other day.

    That seemed to shut down the whole website and I had to stop and restart it.

    Am I not putting the select statement in the right place?



  • Phil:

    This got me the desired result:

    convert(varchar,left(DATENAME(month,DATEADD(day,cl.Hours/cs.HoursPerDay-1, cs.StartDate)),3),0)

    Thanks for taking the time to look at this.


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