display images from folder in a report ... problem with access runtime

  • Hello everybody,

    i have a problem.

    I followed the settings on this page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/285820

    to display images from folder in report.If I run it with full instalation MS Access it works properly.

    Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)

    Me!txtImageNote = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName)

    End Sub

    But if If wanted to lunch it under MS Access runtime it doesnt work.

    When I want to open report this error message appiers.

    Execution of application was stopped, because there appiers error during launching

    Appliacation will be closed.

    I tried to launch it both under runtime 2003 and 2007 and the same result and program gets out.

    Could anyone help me where can be the problem?

  • Are you using an MDW?

    Have you tried it on the full version of Access with the /runtime switch turned on?

    What is your code for DisplayImage?

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