• I am trying to display the report time frame in the header of the report.

    I have a report that retrieves date from current date - 12 hours. I am not I I tried below and I get yesterday.

    =DATEADD("h", -12,(today))

    if I run the report at 7:00 am I would like the start date to show

    mm/dd/yyyy 7:00 pm and the end date to show mm/dd/yyyy 7:00 am.

    I have no problem for my monthly reports

    First day of last month:


    can someone please help???

  • If you're getting the time the report was run, you can use the global variable Execution Time.


    You could get 12 hours before that using this:


    If you create a placeholder for each of the values, you can format them as Long Date (date and time).

    If you're getting the date/time value from a parameter, you'd just substitute Parameters!ParameterName for the Globals!ExecutionTime

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