Display Column Name verticly

  • The query that is given below will display the result set in the attached txt File. I want to display the result in a different way for the reporting purpose that is also given in attached txt File.

    I have implemented CDC in SQL SERVER 2008R2, But I want to display result set in a different way.


    SELECT TOP 1000 [__$start_lsn]



    ,case [__$operation]

    when 2 then 'Insert'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'BeforeUpdate'

    WHEN 4 THEN 'AfterUpdate'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Delete' END AS [Action]





    FROM [TestDB].[cdc].[dbo_CDCTesting_CT]


  • From my point of view the expected output doesn't match the original data:

    In the original data there's one update capture missing where Test changed to Test1. Also, ActionTime is not part of the original data and is misleading if there's only a date part presented.

    In general, formatting stuff like that should be done at the presentation layer.

    If you need to do it using T-SQL, follow at least the basic principle that a row itself holds all the attributes of an entity and the position of the row within a return set doesn't matter (= doesn't change the context).

    So, instead of having a separate row to indicate the action described add it to each row and eliminate the "grouping header".

    What you would need to do is to perform a CrossTab (or PIVOT) to get the Before and After values into separate columns. Then you'd need to either UNION (or UNPIVOT) the data by Id and Name.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Yes,

    I will correct data, but my require ment is like that, I can explain further here in new attatched xls file.

    pl see attached file.

    Hopefully this will explain.

    In case of Update ther will be 2 rows in a table and in case of both insert and delete there will be only one row table.

    I used pivot for this but in pivot i dont need compute functions like sum, without this it was not working.

    Thanks for helping me.

  • azhar.iqbal499 (9/14/2011)


    I will correct data, but my require ment is like that, I can explain further here. This is just dummy Data

    Col1 Col2 Action AcctionTime

    Vall1 val1 insert 14/09/2011 11:29

    Val1 Val1 BeforeUpdate 14/09/2011 11:29

    Val2 Val2 AfterUpdate 14/09/2011 11:29

    Val VAl Delate 15/09/2011 11:29

    I want result as

    Action ActionTime ColName BeforeUpdate AfterUpdate

    Insert 14/09/2011 11:29 Col1 Vall1

    Insert 14/09/2011 11:29 Col2 Vall1

    Update 14/09/2011 11:29 Col1 Val1 Vall2

    Update 14/09/2011 11:29 Col2 Val1 Vall2

    Delete 15/09/2011 11:29 Col1 Val2

    Delete 15/09/2011 11:29 Col2 Val2

    Hopefully this will explain.

    In case of Update ther will be 2 rows in a table and in case of both insert and delete there will be only one row table.

    I used pivot for this but in pivot i dont need compute functions like sum, without this it was not working.

    Thanks for helping me.

  • Unfortunately, the dummy data are still not valid.

    But here's an example of what you might look for (as a side note: please notice how I present the sample data in a ready to use format without any Excel sheet...)



    Col1 CHAR(4),

    Col2 CHAR(4),

    Action_ VARCHAR(20),

    ActionTime datetime


    INSERT INTO @tbl


    ('Val1','xal1','insert','20110914 11:29'),

    ('Val1','xal1','BeforeUpdate','20110914 11:29'),

    ('Val2','xal2','AfterUpdate','20110914 11:29'),

    ('Val','VAl','Delete','20110915 11:29');

    WITH cte AS -- step 1: get the Before and After values into separate columns



    'col1' AS colname,

    col1 AS colvalue,



    FROM @tbl



    'col2' AS colname,

    col2 AS colvalue,



    FROM @tbl


    -- step 2: pivot the data using the CrossTab method


    CASE action_

    WHEN 'AfterUpdate' THEN 'Update'

    WHEN 'BeforeUpdate' THEN 'Update'

    ELSE action_

    END AS action_grp,



    MAX(CASE WHEN action_ IN ('Delete','BeforeUpdate') THEN colvalue ELSE '' END) AS BeforeUpdate,

    MAX(CASE WHEN action_ IN ('insert','AfterUpdate') THEN colvalue ELSE '' END) AS AfterUpdate

    FROM cte


    CASE action_

    WHEN 'AfterUpdate' THEN 'Update'

    WHEN 'BeforeUpdate' THEN 'Update'

    ELSE action_



    ORDER BY ActionTime

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