Disk space usage for a specific instance

  • Hello experts,

    I need a T-SQL or Powershell script/Stored procedure which accepts instance name as parameter and outputs the disk space usage for the drive on which instance data is available - Capacity, free space, used space and pct free. Please help, urgent.



  • Master_Files returns one row for each database file, and dm_os_volume_stats is a table valued function that returns information about a volume. Remember to get maximum value for each volume (not summarization), or else you will double count.

    SELECT volume_mount_point, logical_volume_name, max(total_bytes)total_bytes, max(available_bytes)available_bytes

    FROM sys.master_files AS f

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)

    group by volume_mount_point, logical_volume_name;

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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