Disk Space

  • I trying to gain more space on my disks on different servers. I observed that there are many database files which are not used anymore on different drives, those files which were detacched from DB but never attached later as we are not using them anymore. Now i want get rid of those files.

    Is there an easy where where i can find such files and delete them instead of gettign into each drive and checking each file.

  • I don't think there's an easy way.

    My only suggestion is to use Windows search for .mdf and .ldf and cross reference it with your output from select physical_name from sys.master_files.

    If you're a clever scripter you could maybe use xp_cmdshell and the dir command to find them all and pump them into a table to do the compare for you, then output the delete syntax.

    Good luck,


  • Run this to find all the Data & Log files currently in use:

    exec sp_MSforeachdb 'Select ''?'' as DB_Name, * from ?.dbo.Sysfiles'

    Then scan your drives for .MDF, .NDF and .LDF files and if they're not in the above list then maybe they can be deleted.

  • Mike Levan (1/9/2009)

    I trying to gain more space on my disks on different servers. I observed that there are many database files which are not used anymore on different drives, those files which were detacched from DB but never attached later as we are not using them anymore. Now i want get rid of those files.

    Is there an easy where where i can find such files and delete them instead of gettign into each drive and checking each file.

    -- To find Database space

    sp_msforeachdb 'dbcc showfilestats'


    sp_msforeachdb 'sp_spaceused'




    -- to find disk drive space


    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • I ran this query

    exec sp_MSforeachdb 'Select ''?'' as DB_Name, * from ?.dbo.Sysfiles'

    and got all the database files listed , that looks good but

    the result was in seperate grid for each db, how can i get in single result set or in a table all together.

  • You could create a global temp table (##) that had the same format as the output of a single query. Within your sp_msforeachdb you would do an insert into that table, and then after the execution of that you could select * from that table. That should get it for you.

  • Mike Levan (1/14/2009)

    I ran this query

    exec sp_MSforeachdb 'Select ''?'' as DB_Name, * from ?.dbo.Sysfiles'

    and got all the database files listed , that looks good but

    the result was in seperate grid for each db, how can i get in single result set or in a table all together.

    U can insert in one table , then u can find total results from table..

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
    LinkedIn | Tweet Me | FaceBook | Brijj

  • how can i do that into a temp table.

  • SQLBOT (1/9/2009)

    I don't think there's an easy way.

    My only suggestion is to use Windows search for .mdf and .ldf and cross reference it with your output from select physical_name from sys.master_files.

    If you're a clever scripter you could maybe use xp_cmdshell and the dir command to find them all and pump them into a table to do the compare for you, then output the delete syntax.

    Good luck,


    Sorry for asking this but could you please let me know how to script out this as you said.

    thanks for the help.

  • You can use the following to get the data from sysfiles in each db into a temp table.

    If the databases are attached their files will be locked (mdf, ndf, ldf) so you won't be able to move or delete the files. That's a good thing. Take the results from the query below, open a file manager, create a folder at the root of each volume (call it Junk or something) then start moving files that aren't in the list into the folder. If you accidentally grab one that is attached the OS will let you know and you won't be able to move it.

    -- drop temp table if it exists from previous run

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL




    DB_Name sysname

    ,fileid smallint

    ,groupid smallint

    ,size int

    ,maxsize int

    ,growth int

    ,status int

    ,perf int

    ,name sysname

    ,filename nvarchar(260)


    --now load the temp table


    exec sp_MSforeachdb 'Select ''?'' as DB_Name, * from ?.dbo.sysfiles'

    -- and look at the data

    SELECT * FROM #t

    --clean up


  • I would be hesitant to try the following since there is the potential to do quite a bit of damage but I thought I might mention you could use the dos del command to delete files like *.?df. There is an /S switch to delete from subdirs. Open a cmd window and type del /? to see the help info.

    Again this will rely on attached data files being locked.

    I would personally go through the directories by hand but you might be braver than me. 😀

  • Eric Klovning (1/18/2009)

    I would be hesitant to try the following since there is the potential to do quite a bit of damage but I thought I might mention you could use the dos del command to delete files like *.?df. There is an /S switch to delete from subdirs. Open a cmd window and type del /? to see the help info.

    Again this will rely on attached data files being locked.

    I would personally go through the directories by hand but you might be more reckless than me. 😀

    Fixed 😛

  • Thats a gud idea buti wud like to know something if tht is possible?

    Can select files something like

    " select files from the drive where not in temp table #t " if this is possible i can just get rid of those files from the result set.

  • Yes I would try to create a junk folder in each volume and just select all the files in the folder and try to move them to junk folder, if the files are attached to some db then they will not move others will move, i guess?

    hows that? do you guys predict any danger in doing this 😎

  • Just my 2 cents, use the windows search (can scan network drives and multiple drives without making a complicated loop).

    Then make sure those files are not needed

    Get authorisation to delete the file AFTER BACKING UP TO DVD OR DRIVE.

    Then delete and document.

    You never know when someone will come back too ask for that data, assume it'll happen because it very well could.

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