Disk - SAN

  • All my sql servers are on SAN disk and for each server i have 4-5 drives each of 2TB but now i want join all of the drives of a server in one single large drive so that I can use maximum of disk and i think peroformance will not effect in any way as it is a SAN. Please suggest...

    As of now if i leave 20% of the disk free out of 2TB for the data to grow if i add them together i think i can use the available spacemore efficeintly. what say?

  • You could spread data files across the 'drives' and not join them together. Just add data files to your existing filegroup(s) and place them on the separate drives.

  • that is what i am doing now, please read my concern again.


  • are you saying you want to share one large LUN between multiple servers? If so, I don't think you can present the same LUN to multiple windows servers. We cannot do that with our SANs anyway.

    Or are you saying you have 4-5 TB drives per server you want to group into 1 drive of 8-10 TBs for each server?

  • yes, your second statement is right. I want to group drives of each servers into one large drive.

  • IMO you should not do this. If you have separate LUNs you can separate your logs from your data, and from tempDB. You could move the individual LUNs to different arrays on the SANs if you ran into disk contention issues. You also may want to have some LUNs RAID 5 and some others RAID 1 or 10 depending on the nature of the reads and writes (sequential vs random, etc). If it is all one big LUN you will loose flexibility.

  • I am looking for this because i regular update data on a stage server and then move DB to production with name DB_new and then swap old and new then drop the oldDB. As i do this regularly with TB of data having multiple data files, i thought of automating this with sql agent jobs and so if i have 1 single drive i dont need to look for changing drives for available free space to put in the db files.

    I am not sure if that is a gud idea but its a thought. how abt having 2 drives 1 for data files and 1 for log and tempdb?

  • Guys.. any suggestions, I am seriously looking to grouping my drives. really appreciate your input


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