disk report

  • can any one send me the script of how to fnid the disk report of used , total size and avaialble space on all drives on a server ?

  • Sorry I dont have one atm, maybe someone less busy will have time to find one for you.

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  • the script repository here at SSC also has some scripts that would be of use. Check those out too. Download a few and find the one you like best.

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  • Hi,

    Stored below code in .VBS file & run file

    You can change parameter (Disk.FreeSpace/Disk.Size) < 0.30 in script

    Set DiskSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery("select FreeSpace,Size,Name from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3")

    for each Disk in DiskSet

    If (Disk.FreeSpace/Disk.Size) < 0.30 Then

    WScript.Echo "Drive " + Disk.Name + " Total Size = " + Disk.Size + " The Free Space = " + Disk.FreeSpace + " MB"

    End If




  • I used Google. Found http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic113227-5-1.aspx which contains a script to do what you ask. The people in the thread seemed impressed with it.

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