Disaster Recovery Test Problems.

  • Our Servers are backed up by TSM (excluding .mdf,.ldf files)- The databases are then backed up to disk by SQL Server.

    Currently doing a DR Test which was going swimmingly with the stand alone SQL Servers - I'd uninstall SQL Server (it was useless as no master etc) then reinstall, restore master then msdb then the user databases.

    When I had a cluster though - I was unable to uninstall SQL Server, its in a weird state where I can't repair it (rebuildm fails) and can't get rid of it. I can't uninstall via the disk and there's no uninstall in add/remove programs.

    Any ideas ???

  • Did you follow these steps to run rebuildm.exe on the cluster?

    How to rebuild the master database on a virtual SQL Server instance

    K. Brian Kelley

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