Disabling an Index

  • Hi all,

    I need to disable an index from a table on certain condition from a stored procedure. How can i do this? Is it good to use DDL commands inside an stored procedure?

  • My first question is why do you need to disable the index?


  • i'm updating one clustered index column. If i do with index it takes time to execute, if i do the same update without index its faster. so due to performance i want to disable index. is it good idea or any other way to do it?

  • Actually, that's one of the reasons they state in BOL for disabling an index. Go to books on line and check out ALTER INDEX.


  • Hi,

    I don't think you can disable the idnex.

    instead you can drop and re create it.

    If your table contains huge no of records with clustered index created

    then re creating index will also slow.

  • dfine (9/30/2008)


    I don't think you can disable the idnex.

    instead you can drop and re create it.

    If your table contains huge no of records with clustered index created

    then re creating index will also slow.

    Actually, in SQL 2005 you can disable an index with ALTER INDEX. Check BOL example E. After disabling the index, to enable the index again, you have to use ALTER INDEX REBUILD or CREATE INDEX WITH DROP_EXISTING.


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