Disable update trigger while running package?

  • Hello!

    I´m having some issues with a new package I built.

    The packages does upserts to a table in my database, and it´s all working fine.

    However, I have an update trigger on my table, which I don´t want to fire when running my package.

    So I guess I´ll have to disable the trigger when running the package...

    Problem is, I still want the trigger to be fired for any updates coming from other sources

    than my package.... How can I accomplish this? Is it possible?

  • Use and execute SQL task in your package and disable the trigger prior to your data flow task.

    USE pubs


    ALTER TABLE dbo.employee DISABLE TRIGGER employee_insupd


  • Make sure that you enable it by using a T-SQL task after the execution of your task

    My Blog: http://dineshasanka.spaces.live.com/

  • What you guys describe is exactly what I´ve already done.

    Problem is, what happens if an external application makes an update while my package is running and the trigger is disabled? I still want my trigger to fire for any updates coming from any source other than my package!

    I guess it would be possible to somehow lock the table while running my package,

    but how would I do that?

  • How about this? In your trigger make sure that it exits immediately if the update is a multi-row update. Then in the package import into a staging table first (a clone of the ultimate destination table but with no tirgger). Then write t-sql to do the insert and/or joined update.

  • Finally solved it by setting an "Application name" for my destination table connection manager.

    In the trigger, I then check which application fired the trigger, like so:



    ....DO WORK


    This is exactly what I needed!

  • You could shorten that to "IF APP_NAME() != 'MyAppName'", which would probably be better than directly referencing the sysprocesses compatability view.

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