Dimension Tables vs Lookup Tables - the real difference?

  • I'm reading about dimension and lookup tables and trying to get a better understanding between the difference. So far the best descriptor i have to separate these two tables is below. I would like to see if perhaps i'm missing something or if i'm understanding this correctly?

    "For each dimension used in a project, a lookup table is required to provide meaningful information. For example, a "product" dimension might be based on a lookup table that includes the productID, productName, productType, productManufacturer, and so on. Dimensions define a hierarchy for the information retrieved by the lookup table, so that it can be organized and presented in a meaningful way."


    Dimension table

    VW -> Golf -> Features

    VW -> Jetta -> Features

    Honda -> Accord -> Features

    Lookup table


    1 -> xxx

    2 -> yyy

    3 -> zzz


    vw ->aaa

    honda ->bbb


    golf ->ccc

    jetta ->ddd

    accord ->eee


  • Aha 🙂

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