DimDate - How to set Week of Month / Week Of Year in Calendar Hierarchy

  • Hi All ,

    I have created DimDate dimension and able to setup Calendar Hierarchy. Now to the Calendar Hierarchy if i add week of month and week of year to Calendar Hierarchy this will not give correct result.

    Is my approach in setting the week Hierarchy is Correct ?. Please help me

    i am attaching images for references. Let me know any other information is required here !


  • Vineet,

    What is the key attribute of "Week Of Month"?


    Chris Umbaugh
    Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence Consultant
    twitter @ToledoSQL

  • key attribure of Week Of Month is collection : (Week Of Month,Month,Year)

    [Dim Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Week Of Month]

    WHERE (StrToMember('[Dim Date].[Date].&[2012-03-23T00:00:00]&[03]&[1]&[2012]') :

    StrToMember( '[Dim Date].[Date].&[2012-03-31T00:00:00]&[03]&[1]&[2012]'))

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