Dim trying to process deleted attribute

  • Hi all


    We have a Dim table with an attribute that's causing us problems.


    We want to delete the attribute while we work on it but it won't disappear.

    To delete it, we've found the Dim, opened it and deleted the attribute using right-click/delete.

    We did uncover an issue where, if you check the XML for the Dim just afterwards, the attribute you've just deleted is still listed in there.  Weird, huh(!)


    We've deleted the attribute info in the XML as well (and saved it) but, when we then process the Dim, SSDT still says there's an issue with the attribute we've just deleted.


    Is there a cache somewhere that we need to delete?

    Does anyone know how to get around this problem?





  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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