Digital Dashboard 30

  • i have done these following steps before i installed digital dashboard 3 (ddrk3):

    1. creating an domain user account and put it in administrators group

    2. adding such user as a sysadmin member on sql server

    3. disabling server extension on iis

    installation was done in the same server which has sharepoint portal server 2001 installed. i got this error message

    "Trying to get the IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/1/Root/DAVCatalog object

    ERROR: -2147024893, Description: , Details: Couldn't get the DAVCatalog IIsWebVirtualDir object"

    do you have any solution or workaround?

  • You didn't say where the error message was from, so I am assuming that you received a popup message box with that error. There are three places to check for additional information regarding a failed DDRK installation:

    1) Event Viewer - if you see any COM+ failures then suspect the IWAM account is the cause

    2) \Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\Ddrk_setup.log

    3) \WINNT\system32\LogFiles\<servicename>\ex<date>.log - the default location for the IIS log

    I had some installation problems that I was able to fix by giving the IWAM_computername account administrator rights for the installation. Then I removed the administrator rights after the DDRK installed OK.

    If the problem is still hidden, try searching the following groups on




    My guess is that you should not install the DDRK on a machine that already has Sharepoint. Try a different web server.

  • That was an error from ddrk_setup.log. FYI, it's fine with ddrk 2.2. I gave administrators credential to internet user, but it still raised the same error message.

    BTW, thanks for the links. Gee, there were so many people on earth has the same problem with me.


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