Difficulty creating a Form

  • Very new to Access.

    I have 3 different tables in MS Access - Each table has the same 2 fields (JobID and JobName) I want my form to pull all the data that each table has based on the JobName and/or JobID. I realize there's probably a lot to making this happen but if someone can point me in the right direction. I found the MS help on table relationships to be not enuf. Any help would be great.

  • Here are three different ways you may resolve your issue.

    1) Try creating a view (query) that joins the three tables, like:

    Select t1.column1,t1.column2,t1.column3,t2.column1,t2.column2,t2.column3,t3.column1,t3.column3, etc listing the columns you want to show

    From Table1 as t1 Join Table2 as t2 on

    t1.JobID = t2.JobID and t1.JobName = t2.JobName

    Join Table3 as t3 on

    t3.JobID = t2.JobID and t3.JobName = t2.JobName

    Now create a form with the view (query) as the data source.

    2) Another way is to create a Union query and make a for with the data source using the Union query.

    (This depends on your tables layouts and if you will be updating, changing any data.)

    3) I would probably do this: create a form for Table1

    then create a subform within the main form for Table2 Linked to Table1 JobID

    then create a second subform within the main form for Table3 linked to Table1 JobID

    There are lots of ways you can approach this.

    It depends on if you are planning to update the data using your form or just look at the data.

    I would suggest looking up subforms. Lots of info on using subforms online.

    Good luck.

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

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