Difficult Sorting

  • Using SQL Server 2008 R2, but also have access to SQL Server 2012

    I have this sample data.

    ItemNo DueDate Cham

    121117 2013-09-05

    121098 2013-09-05Y

    333456 2013-09-07Y

    347545 2013-09-07

    798665 2013-09-07

    982389 2013-09-08

    908465 2013-09-08Y

    985551 2013-09-09Y

    432568 2013-09-09

    874378 2013-09-10

    647849 2013-09-10

    098357 2013-09-10

    673467 2013-09-13

    098355 2013-09-13Y

    237678 2013-09-13Y

    984474 2013-09-17Y

    093409 2013-09-17

    003434 2013-09-18

    The first sort must be on "Due Date". The second sort must be on "Cham". When days are spanned, I want to have the Cham field as continuous as possible. I realize this will not be possible for every day span. It seems the Cham field must be sometimes sorted Asc and other times sorted Desc.


  • Patrick Womack (8/27/2013)

    Using SQL Server 2008 R2, but also have access to SQL Server 2012

    I have this sample data.

    ItemNo DueDate Cham

    121117 2013-09-05

    121098 2013-09-05Y

    333456 2013-09-07Y

    347545 2013-09-07

    798665 2013-09-07

    982389 2013-09-08

    908465 2013-09-08Y

    985551 2013-09-09Y

    432568 2013-09-09

    874378 2013-09-10

    647849 2013-09-10

    098357 2013-09-10

    673467 2013-09-13

    098355 2013-09-13Y

    237678 2013-09-13Y

    984474 2013-09-17Y

    093409 2013-09-17

    003434 2013-09-18

    The first sort must be on "Due Date". The second sort must be on "Cham". When days are spanned, I want to have the Cham field as continuous as possible. I realize this will not be possible for every day span. It seems the Cham field must be sometimes sorted Asc and other times sorted Desc.


    Please this as a create table statement and inserts. Also, if you could post what the desired output is based on the sample data it would help.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Here is the create table and inserts. The desired output is in the original post. Thanks.

    If Object_ID('tempdb..#Orders')Is Not Null

    Drop Table #Orders;

    Create Table #Orders

    ( ItemNoVarchar(15)

    , DueDateDatetime

    , ChamChar(1) )

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('003434', '9/18/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('985551', '9/9/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098355', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('333456', '9/7/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121117', '9/5/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('647849', '9/10/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('874378', '9/10/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('798665', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('984474', '9/17/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('908465', '9/8/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('982389', '9/8/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121098', '9/5/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098357', '9/10/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('093409', '9/17/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('673467', '9/13/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('347545', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('237678', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('432568', '9/9/2013' ,'')

  • Piece of cake ... you can make it a lot more concise but this explains it easier:

    WITH agg AS




    SUM(CASE WHEN Cham = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) iCham,

    SUM(CASE WHEN Cham = 'Y' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) iNoCham,






    , qOrder AS



    ISNULL(SUM(agg2.iFlip),0) % 2 As iDir



    LEFT JOIN agg agg2 ON agg.DueDate > agg2.DueDate






    #orders o

    INNER JOIN qOrder qo ON o.DueDate = qo.DueDate



    CASE qo.iDir WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END * CASE o.Cham WHEN 'Y' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END

  • Not bad at all, busraker. Here's a slight mod which I think is a little easier to figure out, but the logic I think is the same as yours:

    ;WITH CountedData AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DueDate)%2,


    FROM #orders o

    WHERE o.Cham = 'Y'

    GROUP BY DueDate


    SELECT o.*

    FROM #orders o

    LEFT JOIN CountedData c ON c.DueDate = o.DueDate


    SELECT OrderBy = CASE

    WHEN c.rn = 1 AND o.Cham = 'Y' THEN 2

    WHEN c.rn = 1 AND o.Cham <> 'Y' THEN 1

    WHEN c.rn = 0 AND o.Cham = 'Y' THEN 1

    WHEN c.rn = 0 AND o.Cham <> 'Y' THEN 2

    ELSE 9 END

    ) x

    ORDER BY DueDate, x.OrderBy

    I've tested using a slightly extended sample data set:

    If Object_ID('tempdb..#Orders')Is Not Null Drop Table #Orders;

    Create Table #Orders (ItemNo Varchar(15), DueDate Datetime, Cham Char(1))


    Insert Into #Orders (ItemNo, DueDate, Cham)


    ('121116', '9/4/2013' ,''),

    ('121117', '9/5/2013' ,''),

    ('121098', '9/5/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('333456', '9/7/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('798665', '9/7/2013' ,''),

    ('347545', '9/7/2013' ,''),

    ('982389', '9/8/2013' ,''),

    ('908465', '9/8/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('985551', '9/9/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('432568', '9/9/2013' ,''),

    ('647849', '9/10/2013' ,''),

    ('874378', '9/10/2013' ,''),

    ('098357', '9/10/2013' ,''),

    ('673467', '9/13/2013' ,''),

    ('098355', '9/13/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('237678', '9/13/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('984474', '9/17/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('093409', '9/17/2013' ,''),

    ('003434', '9/18/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('003435', '9/18/2013' ,'Y'),

    ('003436', '9/18/2013' ,'Y');

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_ItemNo ON #orders (ItemNo);

    CREATE INDEX ix_DueDate ON #orders (DueDate) INCLUDE (Cham);

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Your solution would run much faster (my code must test every previous day in order to determine the proper sort order, and you rely on a case statement) but I don't think your solution would work in all cases ... for example this test data:

    If Object_ID('tempdb..#Orders')Is Not Null

    Drop Table #Orders;

    Create Table #Orders

    ( ItemNoVarchar(15)

    , DueDateDatetime

    , ChamChar(1) )

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('003434', '9/18/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('985551', '9/9/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098355', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('333456', '9/7/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121117', '9/5/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('647849', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('874378', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('798665', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('984474', '9/17/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('908465', '9/8/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('982389', '9/8/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121098', '9/5/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098357', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('093409', '9/17/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('673467', '9/13/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('347545', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('237678', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('432568', '9/9/2013' ,'')

    On 9/13 it fails, for the "Cham" should be sorted with "Y" first and then the blank. With all of the possibilities of days with all "Y" and no "Y", I think my method of adding up the number of times on previous days that the order must "flip" is necessary.

  • busraker (8/28/2013)

    Your solution would run much faster (my code must test every previous day in order to determine the proper sort order, and you rely on a case statement) but I don't think your solution would work in all cases ... for example this test data:

    If Object_ID('tempdb..#Orders')Is Not Null

    Drop Table #Orders;

    Create Table #Orders

    ( ItemNoVarchar(15)

    , DueDateDatetime

    , ChamChar(1) )

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('003434', '9/18/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('985551', '9/9/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098355', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('333456', '9/7/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121117', '9/5/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('647849', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('874378', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('798665', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('984474', '9/17/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('908465', '9/8/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('982389', '9/8/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('121098', '9/5/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('098357', '9/10/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('093409', '9/17/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('673467', '9/13/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('347545', '9/7/2013' ,'')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('237678', '9/13/2013' ,'Y')

    Insert Into #Orders

    ( ItemNo, DueDate, Cham )

    Values ('432568', '9/9/2013' ,'')

    On 9/13 it fails, for the "Cham" should be sorted with "Y" first and then the blank. With all of the possibilities of days with all "Y" and no "Y", I think my method of adding up the number of times on previous days that the order must "flip" is necessary.

    Another model I looked at counted the number of cham = 'Y' on the previous and next row and assigned the sort direction of the current group so that cham = 'Y' was aligned next to whichever had the highest count. Think about that for a moment - you also have to take into account the direction of the previous row. The code worked ok, but made it quite clear that with a larger sample set and sufficiently skewed ratios of values of cham in the groups, this could get very tricky.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I definitely agree that without knowing the scope of PCC's business requirement for aligning the "Cham" field across days, we can not present an optimal solution.

    I guess the way I thought of it was that, say, you had a machine that created two variations of a product. The normal version and the "With Cham" version, and it was very expensive to alter the machine to go from one product to the other, but alas, you had to produce the orders by due date. So in a given date span, you would need to alter the machine as absolutely few times as possible. That is what my code achieves.

    But you are correct in that if PCC just needs to cluster the Cham field then comparing each order date with the surrounding dates would be the way to go.

    It's a fun SQL brain exercise either way!

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