Differential Backups changing sizes

  • I backup many production servers using full and differential backups. Usually a full on the weekend and differential every night.

    One server, the most important server of course, after a full backup of 165GB on Saturday I get a differential backup of 2MB on Sunday. Monday's Diff BK is 10GB, Tuesday's Diff BK is 97MB, Wednesday's Diff BK is 140MB, Thursday's Diff BK is 6.5GB, etc.

    Every other server after a full backup let's say the size is 107GB on Saturday. Sunday's Diff BK is 341MB, Monday's Diff BK is 4GB, Tuesday's Diff BK is 7GB, Wednesday's Diff BK is 10GB, etc. The size grows with every differential backup which is the way it should be.

    I don't understand why the one server's backups are changing sizes from high to low during the week. I only have the Full BK on Saturday, Diff's every night, and Transaction Log BK's every hour. This seemed to start when I created a Copy_Only BK for replication purposes but I have since deleted the job so it's no longer available. Anybody?

  • Check out the backup history or sql logs to see if there's really nothing and noone rebacking up the db. Nothing else would make sense to me atm.

  • If I run: (backup history)


    SET @DBNAME=NULL -- Default NULL(All Databses)

    select 'BackUp Name'=BS.name,

    'User Name'=BS.user_name,

    'Start Date'=BS.backup_start_date,

    'Finish Date'=BS.backup_finish_date,

    'Backup Type'=Case when BS.type='D' then 'FULL Backup'

    when BS.type='L' then 'Transaction Log Backup'

    when BS.type='I' then 'Differential Backup' end

    ,'Backup Size MB'=floor(((BS.backup_size/1024)/1024))


    ,'Server Name'=BS.server_name


    ,'IS Ever Restored'=case when BS.backup_set_id in

    (select backup_set_id from msdb.dbo.restorehistory)

    then 'Yes' else 'No' end

    ,'Destination Db'

    =isnull(RH.destination_database_name,'Yet Not Restored From This BackUpSet')

    ,'Restore Path'

    =isnull(min(RF.destination_phys_name),'Yet Not Restored From This BackUpSet')

    ,'restore Type'=isnull(CASE WHEN RH.restore_type = 'D' THEN 'Database'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'F' THEN 'File'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'G' THEN 'Filegroup'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'I' THEN 'Differential'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'L' THEN 'Log'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'V' THEN 'Verifyonly'

    WHEN RH.restore_type = 'R' THEN 'Revert'

    ELSE RH.restore_type

    END ,'Yet Not')

    ,Rh.restore_date,'Restore By'=isnull(RH.user_name,'No One')

    ,'Time Taken'

    =cast(datediff(ss,BS.backup_start_date,BS.backup_finish_date)/3600 as varchar(10))

    +' Hours, ' +

    cast(datediff(ss,BS.backup_start_date,BS.backup_finish_date)/60 as varchar(10))

    + ' Minutes, ' +

    cast(datediff(ss,BS.backup_start_date,BS.backup_finish_date)%60 as varchar(10))

    +' Seconds'

    from msdb..backupset BS

    JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily MF

    on BS.media_set_id=MF.media_set_id

    left outer join msdb..restorehistory RH

    on BS.backup_set_id =RH.backup_set_id

    left outer join msdb..restorefile RF

    on RF.restore_history_id=Rh.restore_history_id

    where BS.database_name = isnull(@DBNAME,BS.database_name)

    group by BS.name,BS.user_name,BS.backup_start_date,BS.backup_finish_date,




    it's really weird because I see a full backup everynight but it shows as NULL (See attachment)

  • Could there be some backup job that's writing to tape or the NULL device? If the diff is going down in size, you have something that is resetting the diff bitmap.

    Can you check this on the day before and after the null backup?


  • I think I figured it out.

    I make a snapshot from my SAN every night @ 7:05 (which is the time all these NULL backups run) and attach it to my reporting server as a form of replication so our reporting servers are always a day behind. I don't understand why SQL sees this as a form of backup, however.

    That leads me to another post on replication....

  • This should depend on how the SAN vendor has implemented the snapshot. They may be integrating with SQL Server.

    However I'd let them know if they are marking the snapshot as a full backup, they ought to include some note in the MSDB tables so you are aware.

  • Hey Steve,

    I use the Dell Equallogic which uses the AutoSnapShot Manager which is integrated with SQL. Ugh.

    Thanks for the help guys!!

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