July 20, 2009 at 7:08 am
I have a SQL Server 2008 instance. For 2 databases in this instance i have set up a full backup at 4:00 am and differential backups every 4 hours starting from 6:00 am.
Some days a differential backup does not occur at 2:00 am. On other days there are no issues.
Checking the backup log shows this error " BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. Cannot perform a differential backup for database "mydb", because a current database backup does not exist. Perform a full database backup by reissuing BACKUP DATABASE, omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option." But the previous day's full backup is there . Checking the web took me to ms site where someone had posted the same error and ms closed the error because they could not reproduce the error.:crazy:
"Keep Trying"
July 20, 2009 at 1:45 pm
This is a shot in the dark, but could it be that someone restored the database between the full backup and differential backup?
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July 21, 2009 at 3:39 am
Nobody has restored the database. I checked the restorehistory table in msdb just to confirm it.
How come only the 2:00 am backup is not being taken where as the next one at 6:00 is taken successfully.
"Keep Trying"
July 29, 2009 at 1:52 am
Hi... Anybody who can shed some light on this.
"Keep Trying"
May 7, 2010 at 8:18 am
I too am having this problem.
In my case, I have:
Full backup 5/1/10 OK
Diff backup 5/2/10 OK
Diff backup 5/3/10 FAIL
Diff backup 5/4/10 FAIL
All the while, my hourly log backups are working ok. It seems I can only get one diff backup after making a full backup. I saw some post about this problem occuring with sql 2005, but I have 2008 64-bit.
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