differentail backups

  • I am doing differential backups: these are the 3 steps used

    However, diff backups do not seem to get deleted. ie there are many diff backups on the disk that are prior to the last full backup.

    What could the reason for this be, or should I manually delete these diff backups that are prior to the last full backup

    1st step dbcc checkdb(SC)

    2nd step

    BACKUP DATABASE [SC] TO disk = @devicename




    , NAME = N'SC backup'

    , SKIP

    , STATS = 10

    , FORMAT

    , MEDIANAME = N'DOCS - SC Differential Backup'

    3rd step

    declare @devicename sysname

    DECLARE @position INT

    SELECT @devicename = physical_device_name

    , @position = position

    FROM msdb..backupset backupset

    INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily backupmediafamily

    ON backupset.media_set_id = backupmediafamily.media_set_id

    WHERE backup_set_id = (

    SELECT MAX(backup_set_id)

    FROM msdb..backupset

    WHERE database_name='SC'

    AND type = 'I'


    SELECT @devicename physical_device_name

    , @position position

  • It is a manual process to delete the old differential backups.

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