different execution plan on SQL7 and SQL2000

  • I have a stored procedure which accesses data from a number of tables each having several hundred thousand rows.

    On SQL7 the stored procedure uses clustered index seeks and index seeks to obtain no  more than 2 rows per table and the execution time is < 1 second. 

    On SQL2000 the same stored procedure uses a totally different execution plan which use clustered index scans, index scans and a hash match and access hundreds of thousands of rows with an execution time of 20 seconds.

    I have updated the statistics and rebuilt indexes without any effect.

    Has anyone any suggestions on why the execution plan should change so adversly when moving from SQL7 to SQL2000?


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Check whether the indexes on the tables are the same - hash match and clustered index scan both indicate that no useful index has been found.

  • I have seen SQL2000 problem with comparisons between Unicode (Nvarchar) and regular varchar after conversion from 7 (they did implicit conversion the opposite way).

    Another one might be Collation - default collation of a new SQL2000 install is different than converting from SQL7. Although usually this causes errors not slowness.

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