Different behaviour SQL server 2000 / 2005

  • Why is the result (open transactions) of the following script different when executing in sql server 2000 and sql 2005?

    With sql server 2000 I have an open transaction, with sql 2005, all transactions are rolled back.

    set nocount on

    if object_id('test') is not null drop procedure test


    if object_id('testtable') is null

    exec ('create table testtable (id int, status int)')


    create procedure test as


    set xact_abort on

    begin tran

    update testtable set status=status where id=2006

    select * from testtt -- non existing table. --> error.

    commit tran



    select 'Tran 1',@@trancount

    exec test

    select 'Tran 2',@@trancount


    select 'Tran 3',@@trancount

    while @@trancount<>0 rollback tran

    if object_id('test') is not null drop procedure test

    if object_id('testtable') is not null drop table testtable


    Kindest Regards,


  • Hi,

    Its an interesting one, it looks like in SQL Server 2000, the SET XACT_ABORT ON setting only works for where there is a data integrity issue, e.g. wrong data type, key violation. However in SQL Server 2005, it seems to work as expected for both data integrity problems and database structure issues, e.g. wrong table specified. Hope that helps.

  • Sounds like a bug to me. If you run it in 2005, any statements after the "exec test" is not executed, which means sql server termininates the whole batch. Since the XACT_ABORT is set in the SP, its scope is within the SP. It should terminate the SP only, NOT the batch.

    you can use DBCC Useroptions to verify the scope.

    Anyway, it's not suggested setting xact_abort on if you explicitly control your transaction (begin/commit/rollback tran).

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