Differences Between Log Shipping and Replication

  • Hi,

    Would any one assist me that What are the actual differences between log shipping and replication?

    Any information would be helpful to me.





  • This is a discussed topic about a week ago. The major differences are summarized as follow:

    Log shipping ships all data, while replication replicates selected data;

    Log shipping does not need special design in database structures, while replication needs primary ID/UniqueIdentifire;

    Log shipping is used for a production server and one or more standby servers, while replication is used differently.

  • Above is good.

    Log shipping operates on the logs, moving the transaction logs to one or more secondary servers. ALL changes to the database are moved.

    Replication is setup on sets of data, tables, views, stored procedures, and not necessarily all of the data since you can horizontally or vertically partition the data set. It works by moving the transactions and reexecuting them on the subscribing databases.

    They can both operate with low latency. Recplication can be quicker, working on a transaction by transaction basis, whereas log shipping is scheduled. I think the granularity is every minute at the finest.

    Replication is usually used to move some data, but it can be used for standby if you replicate everything. Keep in mind that each set (table, view) is a separate replication item whereas log shipping is an all-inclusive process.

  • Thanks For all for providing the valuable info....:-)

    Would you provide any URL ?


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