Difference in tables columns

  • Table 1

    OrderID | ProductID | Quantity | Price | Total


    1 x 3 30 90

    2 y 5 20 100

    3 z 1 40 40

    Table 2

    OrderID | ProductID | Quantity | Price | Total


    1 x 1 30 30

    2 y 2 20 20


    OrderID | ProductID | Quantity | Price | Total


    1 x 2 30 60

    2 y 3 20 60

    3 z 1 40 40

    As you see I have to tables. And I want to returns the diference in quantity from each table.

    If a row in table1 is not on table2, show it always.

  • Hi,

    Is this what you needed.

    declare @Tb1 table (OrderID int, ProductID varchar(2), Quantity int, Price int ,Total int )

    declare @Tb2 table (OrderID int, ProductID varchar(2), Quantity int, Price int ,Total int )

    Insert @Tb1

    Select 1,'x',3,30,90

    union all Select 2 ,'y',5,20,100

    union all Select 3,'z',1,40,40

    Insert @Tb2

    Select 1,'x',1,30, 30

    union all Select 2,'y',2,20, 20

    Select * from @Tb1

    Select * from @Tb2

    Select a.OrderID,a.Productid ,

    Isnull((Select a.Quantity-b.Quantity from @Tb2 as b where a.orderid=b.OrderID),a.Quantity) as Quantity,

    a.Price ,

    Isnull((Select a.Quantity-b.Quantity from @Tb2 as b where a.orderid=b.OrderID),a.Quantity)*Price as Total

    from @Tb1 as a

    There might be some other easy ways will be there


  • Thanxs I Thats a good idea. I'm working on that right know, I'll let you know soon when I finish it.

  • It definitely that worked out for me.

    I just want to ask something else.

    When I make something like the query above..

    Select a.Id, (Select Sum(b.quantity) from TableB b from b.Id=a.Id) AS Total from TableA a where Total>100

    I will like to use that column Total in a where clause, but sql keeps saying me that column Total is not valid

    I have this other scenario too

    Select a.Id, (Select Sum(b.quantity) from TableB b from b.Id=a.Id) AS Total, (Select Sum(c.quantity) from TableC c from c.Id=a.Id) AS Total2, (Total*Total2) as GranTotal from TableA a where Total>100

    I can't use the columns computed with the subquery, so I can multiply and get another column.

  • SELECT a.Id, b.total

    From TableA a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT b.Id, SUM(b.quantity) AS total FROM TableB b GROUP BY b.Id) b ON a.ID = b.Id

    where b.total>100

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  • Thanks that worked for me!

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