diff plan generated if used stored proc parms

  • Hi there

    See my other post:


    But for this specific problem, here is a classic which I cant explan.

    I have a stored proc (see below). Dont worry about the SQL. What is strange about it:

    a) takes 30sec to run in a stored proc

    b) take code out into query analyser, takes 2 seconds

    Plans generated are very different, to a point where one is doing two sets of 8mill row returns verses 1000 rows over the equivalent tables !

    Now here is the fix:

    I take the passed in parameter to the proc, place it into a local variable and suddenly the speed returns back to 2 seconds!

    Anyone come across problems like this? MS support??

    It is very strange, there seems to be a cutoff point in terms of row count, for example, some lodgements take 4-5sec returning 5 rows, this one that returns 25 is completely different giving wild performance differences.

    Running SS2k EE with SP3

    Here is the modified SQL, if you take the parameter definition and change it back to (@lodgeno varchar(10)) and of course remove the local variable, the plan is completely screwed, no matter the recompiles etc.

    CREATE PROCEDURE Rapt_ReadFinancial (@clodgeno varchar(10))



    Procedure Name: Rapt_ReadFinancial


    Purpose:Validate all the student reference data

    Called In:Dll- RAPT DLL , Class- Lodgement, Function - ReadFinancial



    record setOUT


    Change Control:


    Min Chenv1.0


    Declare @PaymentDate smalldatetime

    declare @lodgeno varchar(10)

    set @lodgeno = @clodgeno



    Set @PaymentDate = ( Select top 1 payment_date from payment (nolock) where payment_lodgement_no =@lodgeno )

    If @PaymentDate is Null

    set @paymentDate= GetDate()

    -- Main Query

    SELECT DISTINCT LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no AS CPS_NO,

    QC.public_desc + ' ' + TP.registered_name AS COURSE_QUAL,


    'Accepted' =


    WHEN d1.payment_claim_accepted_ind =1 THEN d1.payment_amount

    ELSE 0


    FROM payment AS d1 (nolock)

    WHERE d1.payment_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no

    AND d1.payment_lodgement_no = @lodgeno ) AS ACCEPTED_AMOUNT,

    (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(b.lodgeenrol_calc_fee_amount),0)

    FROM lodgement_enrolment AS b (nolock)

    WHERE b.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @lodgeno

    AND b.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no) AS LESS_FEES,

    (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(c.lodgeenrol_calc_pay_amount),0)

    FROM lodgement_enrolment AS c (nolock)

    WHERE c.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @lodgeno

    AND c.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no) AS CPS_VALUE_NET,

    (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(d.payment_amount),0)

    FROM payment AS d (nolock)

    WHERE d.payment_cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no

    AND d.payment_raptpaystatus_id = 2

    AND (d.payment_lodgement_no is Null or d.payment_lodgement_no <> @lodgeno )

    AND (d.payment_approval_decision_date <= @PaymentDate ) ) AS PREVIOUSLY_APPROVED

    FROM Course C (nolock) INNER JOIN

    Training_Product TP (nolock) ON C.training_product_id = TP.training_product_id INNER JOIN

    Qualification_Category QC (nolock) ON C.qual_cat_code = QC.qual_cat_code RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    contracted_program_study CPS (nolock) ON TP.training_product_id = CPS.cps_training_product_id

    INNER JOIN lodgement_enrolment LE(nolock)

    ON CPS.cps_no = LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no

    INNER JOIN lodgement (nolock)

    ON LE.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = lodgement.lodgement_no

    Where (LE.lodgeenrol_lodgement_no = @lodgeno)

    GROUP BY LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no, QC.public_desc,TP.registered_name

    ORDER BY LE.lodgeenrol_match_cps_no

    IF @@ERROR <> 0


    -- Return 99 to the calling program to indicate failure.





    -- Return 0 to the calling program to indicate success.





    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • Hi All

    See this:


    and this from Brian Moran:

    Actually... this is expected behavior and has been since SQL 4.2.

    Here's what is probally happening...

    Oddly enough... changing the number of rows returned by a query can have a

    HUGE impact on the plan chosen. In many cases you'll find that non-clustered

    indexes become ineffecient when returning even just 1% of the data in some


    Proc plans are compiled the first time the procedure is run. (it's really

    more complex than that but that works for this email...)

    So... you might end up with a situation where one set of params produce a

    plan that uses say a non-clustered index, while other parms would be

    ineffecient if using the nc index. Unfortunately... the plan is already in

    cache and you'll get a slow plan.

    Personally... I think this is a situation that MS could and should deal with

    better, but... for now... you need to be careful when you have a proc that

    can generate wildly different plans based on input params. Try executing the

    proc using the with recompile option and I suspect you'll see that you get

    better exec times for all the procs...


    I take the passed in parameter to the proc, place it into a local variable

    and suddenly the speed returns back to 2 seconds!


    Yes, that's part of the fun of the SQL optimizer too. It's a known design

    issue and would not be fixed by using 'with recompile'. The problem is that

    SQL doesn't know the value of the params when it optimizes the plan and it

    might well pick a bad plan since it can't accurately guess how many rows are

    coming back... the solution you outline above is a common technique for

    dealing with it...


    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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