February 8, 2011 at 9:45 pm
what is the difference between the Delay validation and validate External meta data Properties of SSIS Packages..
Thanks in Advance
Anil Inampudi
February 9, 2011 at 2:30 am
DelayValidation --> validation of executable is delayed until runtime. For example, if you read from a table that has not yet been created, the package will crash when you start it, unless you set this property to true. The package waits with the validation of that executable until it has to run.
ValidateExternalMetadata --> validates a component during design time using external metadata. For example, if you are reading from an Excel file, the package will show an error during design time if the excel file does not exist. If you set this to False, the error should go away.
It is possible to have a package with an error because the excel file does not exist during design time, but if you run the package it will succeed when DelayValidation is set to True.
So, basically:
DelayValidation = runtime
ValidateExternalMetadat = design time
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MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP
June 2, 2015 at 9:57 am
Hi Koen,
I have a question, in DataFlowTask, we have a FlatFileSource which have number of columns and few columns needs some transformation/manipulation and get derived columns before sending to sql destination, in this case the ValidateExternalMetaData needs to set False otherwise it generate error in FlatFileSource for every file, please clarify I am correct or not as I am getting error in every file which needs to be processed.
June 2, 2015 at 2:03 pm
Sumit Rastogi (6/2/2015)
Hi Koen,I have a question, in DataFlowTask, we have a FlatFileSource which have number of columns and few columns needs some transformation/manipulation and get derived columns before sending to sql destination, in this case the ValidateExternalMetaData needs to set False otherwise it generate error in FlatFileSource for every file, please clarify I am correct or not as I am getting error in every file which needs to be processed.
What kind of error do you get?
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MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP
June 3, 2015 at 3:44 am
Its not showing the error detail.
I have written a script component to handle error(only file is sending to Error Directory) which have input from a failure of FlatFileSource (in which I have redirected rows on error, and ignore on truncation), but although my source file is correct it is coming to both failure component as well as into the success component(file is also processing successfully).
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