Diff Between SPID and Process ID

  • The Gurus,

    Can anyone tell me the difference between SPID and Process ID?




  • Can anyone tell me the difference between SPID and Process ID?

    SPID means Server Process ID.

    Just Process ID can mean Client Process ID as well.

  • Thanks so much Dr Suresh. I quite understand their meanings as you wrote but you did raise a point which was really not very clear to me before, "client". What do you mean by client? Does Process ID has to do with a separate work station as distinguished from the server where the database is installed (hosted)? I mean client-server scenario. Kindly, give me a more detailed explanation.

    Many thanks in advance.



  • Yes,

    SPID is intrenal process of sql database like any connection with database.

    which u get from select * from sys.sysprocesses

    and ProcessId which the cliient processes like SQL server and it'e comonent running in OS whcih u can see from task processes.

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
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  • Profiler shows SPID and Client Process ID.

    If AppliationName is not mentioned in the ConnectionString, you can use Client Process ID to detect it (using Task Manager as mentioned in the previous reply).

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